This web application helps users prepare for both technical and non-technical job interviews with a focus on improving their performance in real-world scenarios. It offers interactive simulations, including posture analysis, eye contact detection, and fluent responses scoring, along with AI-assisted group discussion features.
- Frontend: Next.js
- Backend: Flask
- Machine Learning Models: Python
- Prepare for both technical coding interviews and non-technical HR interviews.
- Customizable mock interviews with questions designed to simulate real-world interview scenarios.
- Real-time analysis of your sitting posture and position during the interview.
- AI-driven feedback to improve body language and overall presentation.
- Machine learning model detects eye contact while answering questions.
- Provides feedback on maintaining proper eye contact to improve confidence and engagement during interviews.
- Real-time scoring of your fluency and coherence in answering questions.
- Feedback on speech patterns, pauses, and clarity of thought.
- Integrated code editor to practice technical questions.
- Supports multiple programming languages for coding assessments during interviews.
- Simulates a group discussion with multiple AI agents discussing a given topic.
- Provides an immersive environment for practicing group communication skills and handling opposing arguments.
- We have developed custom machine learning models to power the features listed above. These models are trained on large datasets to ensure accurate and real-time feedback for users.
- Posture and Position Model: Uses computer vision techniques to analyze and give feedback on sitting posture.
- Eye Contact Detection Model: Analyzes webcam input to assess and track eye contact.
- Fluency Scoring Model: Utilizes NLP (Natural Language Processing) to evaluate fluency, coherence, and speech patterns.
- Group Discussion Simulation Model: AI-driven dialogue model that simulates conversations with diverse points of view.