1. Describe the bug 🐞
Can't find Maven and Gradle when running NGrinder Controller even though maven_home and gradle_home are set already.
( I think it happens only on windows. Reason will be described below )
It seems this problem caused by file. ( ngrinder-controller/src/main/java/org/ngrinder/starter/
first and second line of enum, there's command only "mvn -version", "gradle -version".
Unfortunately, on windows, that doens't work. Those only works on linux and might be mac.
On windows platform, that command should be changed to "mvn.cmd -version", "gradle.bat -version"
I hope it will help this project.
2. Reproduction steps
- Go to directory Ngrinder controller war file exists.
- run war file using java command "java\lib -jar [warfilename].war
- See error :
"WARNING: Maven isn't installed, You can't run Maven groovy scripts. Please install Maven and set MAVEN_HOME."
"WARNING: Gradle isn't installed, You can't run Gradle groovy scripts. Please install Gradle and set GRADLE_HOME."
3. Environment
- Controller
- OS: Windows NT
- Browser: none
- JDK version: 14
- Controller version: 3.5.8
4. Screenshots
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