Autorotate x axis tick texts on types "category" and "timeseries" #1236
I would like to have an option for autorotating x axis tick texts on type "category" if there isn't enough space to fit them between 2 ticks.
Main reason for autorotating x axis tick texts is saving unused space in the chart.
It should autorotate if:
axis_x_tick_multiline === false
axis_x_tick_autorotate === true
axis_x_tick_rotate !== 0
- longest text width > space between 2 ticks
- Check 1-4 on resize/redraw
It also improves the appereance of the x axis if:
- the texts are too long and there is less space between 2 ticks or
- there are many elements on x axis
Would this feature be useful enough to implement it in billboard or perhaps as a plugin?
If needed, this feature could be expanded and implemented for other axis types in the future.
What do you think about it?