This is a branch off of ZooKeeper release 3.4.6. We have made some minor changes to the C client library (src/c). So, we package that and distribute it along with arcus-memcached and arcus-c-client. They rely on the modified library.
Github project page:
In the top directory, run the following to generate necessary headers and scripts. Then wrap the whole C library directory in a tarball and distribute that file.
ant compile_jute
cd src/c
autoreconf -if
Make sure to install ant, cppunit, and cppunit-devel before running the above.
generates configure script.
./configure --prefix=/path/to/arcus-directory
make install
In the top directory, run the following to build.
ant -f build.xml
The following people at NAVER have contributed to the Arcus specific modifications to the C client library.
Hoonmin Kim (harebox)
HyongYoub Kim