This is simple JavaScript logic to censor certain words in certain text using Regular Expressions (RegEx). The logic allows you to specify the word you want to censor and the replacement word for it.
- Misoh
I hope this repo is useful, both for you and for my next project, like a chat app that can be used to censor profanities from users. And also with me creating this project I learned to use RegEx.
To make this project I used several technologies, such as
Tech | I Use To |
Typescript | Create logic censored bad words |
RegEx TS | Filter and replace word |
Babel TS | Convert code to compatible all browser version |
Jest TS | Unit testing |
RollupJS | Bundling and minify javascript code |
Vite + ReactJS | To create an example application that is a simple chat app |
You can see all the versions of the release notes that you want to download. Or you can download the latest version.
If you want to do a manual installation, there are several things that must be prepared.
Even though the manual steps are quite complicated, there are benefits that you can get. You can see how the system works to process raw data into build results and can be used.
git clone
cd misoh && npm i
npm run prod
You can use the output file from /dist/bundle&minify/misoh-[date]-[time].bundle.minify.js
├── build # the compile results from the ts file to js
│ ├── datas.js
│ ├── estimated.js
│ ├── main.js
│ └── remove
├── dist # result file can you use
│ └── bundle&minify
│ └── misoh-[date]-[time].bundle.minify.js
├── example # result file can run example app
│ └── src
│ └── tools
│ └── misoh-[date]-[time].bundle.minify.js
└── ...
import misoh from "./misoh-[date]-[time].bundle.minify.js"
const result = misoh("fuck");
// Output
// fu**
For the time being misoh can only censor bad words.
fuck => fu**
bitch => b****.
├── build # result compile from /src/*.ts
│ ├── datas.js
│ ├── estimated.js
│ ├── main.js
│ └── remove.js
├── dist
│ ├── bundle
│ │ └── misoh-[date]-[time].bundle.js # result bundling js code
│ │
│ └── bundle&minify
│ └── misoh-[date]-[time].bundle.minify.js # result bundling and minify js code
├── example # react project / example app
├── ...
├── src # the folder that holds the raw code
│ ├── check.ts # the file used for testing whether the bad word is not in badWordList datas.ts
│ ├── datas.ts # file that holds all the bad words
│ ├── estimated.ts # a file that specifies how many letters to censor with the * symbol
│ ├── main.ts # file yang menjalankan fungsi dari file - file lain dan melakukan seleksi kata buruk
│ └── remove.ts # file that specifies how many letters will not be censored with the * symbol
├── test
│ ├── checkAvailableWord.test.ts # to know the bad word does not yet exist
│ ├── main.test.ts # to find out if the word sensor is working properly
│ └── sumData.test.ts # to know how many bad words
├── ...
├── babel.config.json # configuration ts babel
├── jest.config.mjs # configuration running unit testing
├── ...
├── package.json # manage dependencies and dev command
├── # configuration bundling js code
├── # configuration bundling and minify js code
└── tsconfig.json # configuration compile ts to js
npm run [command]
npm run start
You can see all available command on file package.json.
Command | Explanation |
start | Run example app |
test | Run all test code |
sum | See total bad word |
dev | Build bundle only |
prod | Build bundle&minify |
clear | Remove result build |
setup | Downloads everything the example app needs |
check | See available file misoh on example app |
npm run setup
npm run check
If the output is like this you can directly run the apk with npm start
> misoh@1.0.0 check
> cd ./example/src/function && node getFile.js && cd .. && cd .. && cd ..
Available Files: [
[✓] Choose file misoh-20230801-1112.bundle.minify.js
[✓] Update success ./example/src/function/inputRule.js
If the output message is "Not Available File" type npm run prod
and type the command npm run check
> misoh@1.0.0 check
> cd ./example/src/function && node getFile.js && cd .. && cd .. && cd ..
[✕] Not Available File
Type: npm run prod
npm start
Example if you type <script></script>
If you want to contribute in adding bad words. You can add it in /src/datas.ts file.
const badWordList: ReadonlyArray<String> = [
"type your bad word here"
export default badWordList;
[ !!! ] But before that, first check the word you want to add whether it already exists or not by testing it in the /test/checkAvailableWord.test.ts file. [ !!! ]
// ./test/checkAvailableWord.test.ts
test(`Test ${number++}`, () => {
npm run test
If the result fails as below. Then the bad word is already there, try to find another bad word.
FAIL test/checkAvailableWord.test.ts
× Test 0 (5 ms)
● Test 0
expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
Expected: false
Received: true
6 | expect(
7 | checkWord('fuck')
> 8 | ).toBe(false);
| ^
9 | });
10 |
npm run sum
[Total Data]: 2861