weather-to-icalendar - Serves a dynamic ICS iCalendar file based on API data returned by AccuWeather
- HTTP server serves over port 8080 by default - can be overwritten by PORT environment variable
- Navigating to "http://localhost:8080/" shows an HTML form which can be used to generate a link with correct query parameters
- API key can alternatively be set by environment variable ACCUWEATHER_API_KEY
I created this project for personal use. No support is provided and no contributions are accepted.
- Only accepts US postal codes
- Only daytime conditions are displayed (relative to the timezone that the zipcode resides in)
- Requests to the forecast API are cached for 60 minutes - set your iCal client accordingly
- Requests to the location API are cached indefinitely
- No function is included to invalidate the cache, however the location key should not change
- http.server module is used for simplicity - serves HTTP 1.1 and no compression