🔍Generate details your statistics of GitHub data information when searching
📋 A convenient space to keep a diary of things that need to be done every day
Enjoy relaxing tunes after stressful working hours🎵. Updating version...
No non-sense and no BS repo for how data structure code should be in Python - simple and elegant.
[Deprecated] Processing reference, examples, tutorials, and website
Archived p5.js website 2015-2024
Probably the best curated list of data science software in Python.
Collection of maze generation algorithms.
Display machine state using Python3 with Flask.
Solutions for Interview questions appearing in the 6th edition of Cracking the Coding Interview (CTCI)
Computer Animations with different graphical libraries
Paints pretty pictures using a souped-up depth first search algorithm.
Maze generator developed using Python 3.5
Random Password Generator Project using Tkinter, Random and Pyperclip.