This from the source code of @automapper/classes
if (!options.type) {
const designTypeMeta = Reflect.getMetadata(
// only store design:type metadata if it's not Array or Object
if (
designTypeMeta &&
designTypeMeta !== Array &&
designTypeMeta !== Object
) {
options.type = () => designTypeMeta;
Why this ignore the type of Object and Array?
This causing the types with union types to be ignored because the design:type
metadata of them are Object
if I have this property in entity:
@Column('character varying', { name: 'name', nullable: true })
name: string | null;
this will be the metadata of it "from JS build code of my app"
(0, classes_1.AutoMap)(),
(0, typeorm_1.Column)('character varying', { name: 'name', nullable: true }),
tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Object)
], Product.prototype, "name", void 0);
I tried to remove that check from @automapper/classes
and that property mapped correctly with @AutoMap
I think I am missing the reason why this check added in the first place so Idk if this safe to do.
It will work fine also if I added any constructor to the @AutoMap()
no matter what was the type
@AutoMap(() => String)
@Column('character varying', { name: 'name', nullable: true })
name: string | null;
@AutoMap(() => Number)
@Column('character varying', { name: 'name', nullable: true })
name: string | null;
@AutoMap(() => Object)
@Column('character varying', { name: 'name', nullable: true })
name: string | null;
All this solution I tried mapped the property correctly.
So idk what this constructor means to do?
I am enabling strict
and strictNullChecks
in tsconfig
I am willing to create any PR fix in this issue as the discussion will lead to.