Alfasado Inc.
- Souka Saitama,Japan
Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Movable Type plugin to set formatted timestamp to entry default basename.
A project to update iUi to modern versions of iOS.
Image editor by Adobe Creative SDK on edit asset screen.
Google日本語入力を利用して郵便番号から住所を補完。JSのみで動作。メンテフリー。Complement address string from zip code with using Google Japanese Input API. Works with JS alone, no server side system required. Maintenance free.
A free simple responsive HTML email template
サイトパス/アーカイブパス変更時に、アイテムのパスも変更する Movable Type プラグイン
JQuery Location Picker plugin
Javascript Canvas Resize Plugin. It can work both with jQuery and Zepto. It's compatible with iOS6 and Android 2.3+
This is a plugin for Movable Type. This plugin enables the Data API to export data in PHP source code.
Converts a markdown file to a bootstrap-styled web page with a table of contents. It will figure out sections based on the headings used and calculate section numbers.
additional tag assist buttons for Movable Type 6
Disable PSGI applications by DisableApps directive. (e.g. DisableApps comments,tb)