The PSR Cache implementation for the Luminova Framework, Luminova Framework GitHub providing CachePool
and SimpleCache
This library enables the use of both file-based and memory-based (Memcached) caching systems with an easy-to-use API.
For more information read the official documentation PSR Cache Pool and PSR Simple Cache.
Via Composer:
composer require nanoblocktech/psr-cache
The CachePool
class provides an interface to manage cache items.
It supports multiple cache storage driver, such as file-based or memory-based (Memcached) caching.
use \Luminova\Psr\Cache\CachePool;
use \Luminova\Psr\Cache\CacheItem;
$pool = CachePool::withFileCache('my_cache', 'my_cache_folder');
// Set a cache item
$item = $pool->getItem('cache_key');
$item->set('This is my cache data');
// Get a cache item
$data = $pool->getItem('cache_key')->get();
// Check if the cache item exists
if (!$item->isHit()) {
$data = databaseLoadData();
$item->expiresAfter(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
} else {
// Data exists in the cache, use it directly
$data = $item->get();
$pool = new CachePool(
string|null $storage = 'psr_cache_storage',
string|null $subfolderOrId = 'psr',
string|null $driver = CachePool::FILECACHE
- $storage: Cache storage name to differentiate cache spaces (defaults to
). - $subfolderOrId: Optional subfolder for file-based cache or Memcached persistent ID (defaults to
). - $driver: Optional cache driver, either
(default) orCachePool::MEMCACHED
// Retrieve a cache item by key.
$pool->getItem('cache_key'): CacheItem;
// Retrieve multiple cache items.
$pool->getItems(['key1', 'key2']): iterable<key,CacheItem>;
// Check if a cache item exists.
$pool->hasItem('cache_key'): bool;
// Save a cache item.
$pool->save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool;
// Save a deferred cache item.
$pool->saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item): bool;
// Commit deferred cache items.
$pool->commit(): bool;
// Rollback deferred cache items.
$pool->rollback(): bool;
// Delete a cache item by key.
$pool->deleteItem('cache_key'): bool;
// Delete multiple cache items.
$pool->deleteItems(array ['key1', 'key2']): bool;
// Clear all cached entries.
$pool->clear(): bool;
The SimpleCache
class provides a simplified interface for interacting with the cache.
It offers basic operations for storing and retrieving cached data, it supports multiple cache storage driver, such as file-based or memory-based (Memcached) caching.
use \Luminova\Psr\Cache\SimpleCache;
$simple = SimpleCache::withFileCache('my_cache', 'my_cache_folder_name');
// Set a cache item
$data = $simple->get('cache_key', 'NO_DATA');
if($item === 'NO_DATA'){
$data = 'This is my cache data';
$simple->set('cache_key', $data);
$simple = new SimpleCache(
string|null $storage = 'psr_cache_storage',
string|null $subfolderOrId = 'psr',
string|null $driver = SimpleCache::FILECACHE
// Retrieve a cache item by key, with a default fallback value.
$simple->get('cache_key', 'default_value'): mixed;
// Retrieve multiple cache items.
$simple->getMultiple(array ['key1', 'key2'], 'default_value'): iterable<key, mixed>;
// Check if a cache item exists.
$simple->has('cache_key'): bool;
// Save a cache item with an optional TTL.
$simple->set('cache_key', 'data_to_save', int|DateInterval|null $ttl = 60): bool;
// Save multiple cache items with an optional TTL.
$simple->setMultiple(array ['key1' => 'data1', 'key2' => 'data2'], int|DateInterval|null $ttl = 60): bool;
// Delete a cache item.
$simple->delete('cache_key'): bool;
// Delete multiple cache items.
$simple->deleteMultiple(array ['key1', 'key2']): bool;
// Clear all cache entries.
$simple->clear(): bool;
The CacheItem
class represents an individual cache entry.
It includes methods to manipulate and manage the cached data when working with CachePool
$item = new CacheItem(string $key, mixed $content = null, ?bool $isHit = null);
// Retrieve the key of the cache item.
$item->getKey(): string;
// Retrieve the value of the cache item.
$item->get(): mixed;
// Check if the cache item is a hit.
$item->isHit(): bool;
// Set the value of the cache item.
$item->set(mixed $value): static;
// Set the expiration time of the cache item.
$item->expiresAt(?DateTimeInterface $expiration): static;
// Set the expiration time relative to the current time.
$item->expiresAfter(int|DateInterval|null $time): static;