- Create configure script
- Download dependencies (Qt and Boost)
- Compile using Qt as static or dynamic
- Compile Boost as static
- Compile application
- Create Distributable tar file with version number
- Release binaries in tar.gz archives for use without end user compilation
- Separate configuration tool from daemon (eliminate Qt dependency from daemon)
- Use non qt timer loop (https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/doc/html/boost_asio/tutorial/tuttimer3/src.html)
- Create detailed documentation
- Create build documentation
- Create installation documentation
- Create usage documentation
- Organize code and files for more modular use and less confusion
- Add ability to install engine on system (service file, configuration, app) within tool
- Add Compound scorechecker to check for multiple subissues in a single issue
- Create a way to make template scorecheckers
- Allow ability to have template scorecheckers which can create issues on the target machine
- Allow template scorecheckers to contain bash scripts where variables can be replaced
- Create window to customize/create template scorecheckers
- Allow manipulation of current issues in configuration
- Allow deletion of issues from current configuration
- Allow rearranging issues
- Allow copying/cutting and pasting issues
- Create mechanism for loading templates into the configuration tool
- Allow export of configuration in both binary and xml format (more later hopefully: json, etc)
- Create file or mechanism with important variables like app version and text
- Make the global variable for version
- Make translation easier
- Integrate with other tools for generating an image (Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, etc) using templates
- Setup notify-send popup for gain or loss of points
- Replace aplay with static library to remove dependency
- Change the name of ScoringEngine to something better...
- Add a splash screen to the GUI editor