This is project repo for the airframe containing all our design and simulations for the model rocket
This project is where our design files for the nakuja N1 rocket are placed. I designed tha parts of the rocket using Autodesk Inventor 2020
Project is created with:
- Autodesk Inventor 2020
- VScode
To run this project, install it locally using Inventor:
$ git clone
$ cd airframev1
# Open Autodesk Inventor 2020 and open the design files
.ipt These are the part files for the various parts of the N1 rocket model.
.stl These are the 3D files of the respective parts.
.iam These are the assembly files of the N1 rocket.
.dwg These are 2D drawing files of the repective part files.
.pdf These are pdf files for the repective 2D drawing files.
assembled This is the assembled file for the N1 rocket
electronicsbay This is the electronics bay where the electronics components will be attached
extraTube This is the extratube that provides enough stability for the rocket
launchlug This helps guide the rocket during launch
nose-basepart1 This is the base part of the nose that attaches to the body
nose-toppart1 This is the cover for the nose cone
noseAssembly This is the nose cone assembly
payloadchamber This is the chamber where the electronics bay will go in
presentation This is the presentation for assemblying the N1 rocket
servoarm This the extra arm added to the servo motor to ensure the cover closes
tail This is the tail of the rocket intergrated with the fins