- create
file withNEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL=localhost:3000
,STRIPE_API_KEY=${you key}
- add env variables
andSTRIPE_API_KEY=${you key}
- was planning to proxy
but no luck on vercel - Left out important stuffs like cicd pipeline on every commit due to time constraints
- will add payment gateway + animation if time permits
- build own backend instead of using dummyjson.
- more...
- filters
- categories
- rating
- price range
- dynamic price range filter + star rating ( need to get from products query)
- filter-reset
- loading state for priceRange filter
- update priceRange on diff category
- product listing + detail page info display
- checkout + - items features
- split up filters into seperate folder, remove and use component, input component in price range
- [x]unit testing ( timebox )
- cart components
- product list
- filter
- mobile + ui ( timebox )
- Image component best practice fix
- payment gateway
- need to set up CICD to deploy on vercel on push + tools ( test, precommit checks, coding standard ) for better maintainence ( timebox on tools)
- animation + clean up CSS classes
- cart Page - integrate loading state
- browser compatitablity test
- api caching and optimisation ( timebox )
- pagination
- All components, layout and templates to be developed from scratch, not allowed to use any off the shelf templates or packages - need to rewrite some ui components ( select dropdown ) if time permits. ( timebox )