If you're interested in running nQuakesv in Docker, you can find the relevant projects here:
- nQuakesv - Docker Compose project
- nQuakesv Docker - Docker server image
- QTV Docker - Docker QTV image
- QWFWD Docker - Docker QWFWD image
Run the following in a Linux shell:
sh <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nQuake/server-linux/master/src/install_nquakesv.sh)
You might need to install some prerequisites before running the install script:
apt-get install curl realpath screen unzip wget libc6-i386
$(cat ~/.nquakesv/install_dir)/start_servers.sh
$(cat ~/.nquakesv/install_dir)/stop_servers.sh
During installation, you can choose to install nQuakesv in your crontab.
To do this manually, add the following to your crontab (or put a file with the contents below in /etc/cron.d/):
echo "*/10 * * * * \$(cat ~/.nquakesv/install_dir)/start_servers.sh >/dev/null 2>&1" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/nquakesv >/dev/null
Settings are contained in ~/.nquakesv/config
To apply settings, you need to restart nQuakesv.
Add a new port (28508):
touch ~/.nquakesv/ports/28508
Remove a port (28508):
rm ~/.nquakesv/ports/28508
To enable qtv (port 28000):
echo 28000 > ~/.nquakesv/qtv
To disable qtv:
rm ~/.nquakesv/qtv
To enable qwfwd (port 30000):
echo 30000 > ~/.nquakesv/qwfwd
To disable qwfwd:
rm ~/.nquakesv/qwfwd
rm -rf $(cat ~/.nquakesv/install_dir) ~/.nquakesv