A powerful and efficient news search application that leverages the Paging Library to provide a smooth user experience. This app allows users to search for the latest news articles from various sources, presenting them in an easy-to-navigate interface.
- Search for news articles based on keywords.
- Paginated results for efficient data loading.
- User-friendly interface built with Jetpack Compose.
- Sort articles by relevance or date.
- Fetch articles from a reliable news API.
- Kotlin: Primary programming language.
- Android Jetpack: Architecture components for building robust apps.
- Paging Library: Efficiently load and display large datasets.
- Retrofit: Networking library for API calls.
- Coroutines: For asynchronous programming.
- Jetpack Compose: Modern UI toolkit for building native Android UI.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Android Studio installed.
- An Android device or emulator for testing.
- An API key from a news service provider (e.g., NewsAPI).
Contact For inquiries, please reach out to your.email@example.com.
Read the full article on Medium [https://medium.com/@myofficework000/news-api-using-paging3-and-jetpack-compose-8533076b9687] Connect with me on LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/myofficework/]