Dear Myles Lewis,
I have a question about use the model for metagenomic 16S dataset,
You probable recomment it ?
I am new using GLMM models, I am reading some models to metagenomics
and assumptions of data dispersion and distribution are very similar, like transciptomics.
Overdispersion, high 0 in data and the several authors adjust data to poisson or negative binomial distribution for it.
The advantage of your library is better document and reproducible.
Please, anny suggestion is wellcome.
PD: I had this variables: I think that your model is very adjust for my problem.
asv : DADA2 output
treat : 4 differents (class1, class2, class3, class4)
time : 3 differents time points (1,2,3)
sample: Tree replicates per sample in each time and treat
The question is what is the asv community that are affected by Treat, Time or interaction of these Treat:Time