Hierarchy Sunburst Plot App
is a versatile and user-friendly web application for creating sunburst visulization of a network hierarchy. It is developed based on R packages NetWeaver and shiny.
The required input is a tab-delimited text file with header, containing the child and parent pairs of nodes.
An optional node annotation/enrichment file can be uploaded to give color scheme for the nodes. This must be a multi-column tab-delimited text file (either a long or a wide-shape data.frame) with header. One column containing the annotation term or enrichment statistics can be used to assign/compute color schemes.
Please see example data (long-shape data.frame) from github repository for a MEGENA module hierarchy file, and a module enrichment file. See below the example output from this data.
Hierarchy Sunburst Plot App
is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty to the extent permitted by applicable law.