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Vaadin+Quarkus example project

Work on this project has been kindly sponsored by Inacta AG.

This project runs Vaadin 14 on top of Quarkus. The JBoss Undertow Servlet container is used to run the Vaadin Servlet. Vaadin 19 port is also available, please see the v19 branch.

Uses Vaadin Quarkus Extension to run smoothly on top of Quarkus.

Note: Starting with Vaadin 22, Quarkus is now an official Vaadin offering.

Demoed Vaadin features

Support for the following features is demoed in this project:

  1. Route and RouterLayout auto-discovery: see the AboutRoute, MainRoute and PolymerExampleRoute example route classes and the MainLayout example layout class.
  2. The PolymerTemplate-based components and forms: the HelloWorld component demoes a reusable PolymerTemplate-based component with a custom TemplateModel, while UserForm demoes a PolymerTemplate-based form with fields exposed to the server-side via the @Id annotation.
  3. Form validation via JSR-303, BeanValidationBinder and hibernate-validator. See UserForm.
  4. A custom ServletContextListener which is able to run certain functionality before the app starts; see the Bootstrap class for more details.
  5. Both development and production modes are supported.
  6. Fast testing with Karibu-Testing. See src/test/java for more details.
  7. Dependency injection is supported: you can inject beans into Vaadin @Route-annotated views. See the DiRoute for more details.
  8. Adding third-party components from Vaadin Directory works. See the ThirdPartyRoute.
  9. Vaadin Push - the PushDemoRoute.
  10. Bean events - demoes Vaadin-specific bean events being fired. See EventsRoute for more details.
  11. @ClientCallable - see ClientCallableRoute
  12. LitTemplate: The HelloWorld component demoes a LitElement-based component with events and properties, while UserForm demoes a LitTemplate-based for with fields exposed to the server-side via the @Id annotation. Also a LitElement-based component is demoed.
  13. Routes registered dynamically in the ServiceInitEvent observer bean.
  14. Vaadin-related event observers: ServiceInitEvent, SessionInitEvent, UIInitEvent, navigation events, etc.
  15. Custom Vaadin service interfaces: custom ErrorHandler, custom I18nProvider, custom SystemMessagesProvider.

Known limitations:

  1. It's not possible to use a custom app-specific VaadinServlet currently: see Vaadin #9755 for more details. However, the Vaadin-Quarkus Extension uses a custom QuarkusVaadinServlet.

Demoed Vaadin Versions

This demo uses Vaadin 14. For Vaadin 22+, see the official Vaadin offering.

Vaadin Quickstarter / Archetype

For a very simple Skeleton Starter app which can also serve as an archetype app, please see vaadin-quarkus-skeleton-starter.

Running the application in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

./mvnw -C clean compile quarkus:dev

Packaging and running the application in production mode

The application can be packaged using:

./mvnw -C clean package -Pproduction

It produces the code-with-quarkus-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar file in the /target directory. Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the target/lib directory.

If you want to build an über-jar, execute the following command:

./mvnw -C clean package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar -Pproduction

The application is now runnable using java -jar target/code-with-quarkus-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar.

Creating a native executable


How this works

The Quarkus-Undertow Servlet capabilities are used to take advantage of the Undertow Servlet Container, in order to run Vaadin Servlet seamlessly in the servlet environment.

Quarkus-Undertow integration needs special magic to auto-discover classes which Vaadin needs to work properly (e.g. @NpmPackage-annotated classes). Quarkus uses the Jandex Index; the Jandex Index is available for Vaadin at vaadin-jandex for more details.

Adding Third-party components

In order for Vaadin to correctly discover @NpmModule-annotated classes for third-party components added from Vaadin Directory, they need to package the Jandex index. Often they don't, therefore it's important to take advantage of quarkus.index-dependency and add those third-party components to

For example, in order to use the Multiselect ComboBox, you need to add the following lines to your


See LICENSE for more details.


Vaadin 14 app running on Quarkus







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