LeasePlan Digital
- Amsterdam
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-vasin/
- @vermishelle
react-native-website Public
Forked from facebook/react-native-websiteThe React Native website and docs
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 -
react-div-100vh Public
A workaround for the '100vh' issue in mobile browsers
node-jest-ts-kickstarter Public
A starter project for messing with Node.js, TypeScript and Jest (TDD FTW)
proxy-api-server Public
A proxy API server that allows not to expose an API key
cypress-mockttp Public
An example of mocking requests using Mockttp in Cypress tests
docs.nestjs.com Public
Forked from nestjs/docs.nestjs.comThe official documentation https://docs.nestjs.com 📕
next-sotm Public
Forked from ZarNizza/next-sotmSalesOnTheMove on NextJS gear
notes-on-software.com Public
The engineering blog of Mikhail Vasin
kaniko Public
Forked from GoogleContainerTools/kanikoBuild Container Images In Kubernetes
cypress-example-kitchensink Public
Forked from cypress-io/cypress-example-kitchensinkThis is an example app used to showcase Cypress.io testing.
trello-clone Public
Exploring the drag-and-drop API by building a Trello clone.
testing-library-docs Public
Forked from testing-library/testing-library-docsdocs site for *-testing-library
openapi-typescript-codegen Public
Forked from ferdikoomen/openapi-typescript-codegenNodeJS library that generates Typescript or Javascript clients based on the OpenAPI specification
rollup-plugin-ts Public
Forked from wessberg/rollup-plugin-tsA Typescript Rollup plugin that bundles declarations and respects Browserslists
OpenAPI-Specification Public
Forked from OAI/OpenAPI-SpecificationThe OpenAPI Specification Repository
Webpack module federation example: updating a component library automatically updates the app without redeploying it.
Webpack module federation example: updating a component library automatically updates the app without redeploying it.
react-apollo Public
Forked from apollographql/react-apollo♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
cypress-typescript-starter-kit Public
Forked from omerose/cypress-supportDemonstrates an issue with Cypress and TS compilation of support files
draqula Public
Forked from vadimdemedes/draqula🧛 GraphQL client for minimalistic React apps
resq Public
Forked from baruchvlz/resqReact Element Selector Query (RESQ) - Query React components and children by component name or HTML selector
enzyme-matchers Public
Forked from enzymejs/enzyme-matchersJasmine/Jest assertions for enzyme
create-react-app-less Public
Forked from facebook/create-react-appcreate-react-app with LESS support
react-typescript-storybook Public
A sample repo on how to add storybook to typescript version of create-react-app
1 UpdatedOct 23, 2018 -
rtg-gsap-example Public
An example of integration of GSAP and react-transition-group
react-transition-group Public
Forked from reactjs/react-transition-groupAn easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM