This application generates tax donation documents for individuals. This uses a Churchtools API to get person data and an imported Addison Donation export (csv/xlsx) or custom excel file (Bank export, etc.) to generate the final donation documents.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git, Node.js (which comes with npm) and Electron installed on your computer. You can alternately use Yarn as your package manager instead of npm.
From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd steuerbescheinigungen-spender
# Install dependencies
yarn install # npm install
# Run the app
yarn start #nmp start
To package the application as a stand-alone app use the following commands:
# Ensure you are in the root directory of the repository
# run the package script
yarn package #npm run package
# Verify that the application was packaged in the out directory
cd out
To create an executable installer for your packaged app use the following commands:
# Ensure you are in the root directory of the repository
# run the make script
yarn make #npm run make
# Or to force making a 32 bit application
yarn make32 #npm run make32
# Verify that the executable was created in the out/make directory
cd out/make
This executable installer application has an auto-updater built into it using electron-simple-updater.