Operating System Development Resources
- MIT xv6 project: a simple Unix-like teaching operating system
- Toaruos: Hobby kernel + userspace, built mostly from scratch. http://toaruos.org
- minoca os: Minoca OS is a general purpose operating system written from scratch. It aims to be lean, maintainable, modular, and compatible with existing software.
- MikeOs: MikeOS is an operating system for x86 PCs, written in assembly language. It is a learning tool to show how simple 16-bit, real-mode OSes work
- elephant: 《操作系统真相还原》源代码
- OS67: a unix-like toy kernel.
- babyos: 自己动手实现一个玩具操作系统,名曰babyos。以baby为名,取其活泼、可爱之意。简单,却招人喜爱,幼稚,却又生机勃勃。
- c - Why was the switch statement designed to need a break?
- How to Use C's volatile Keyword
- GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO
- data transfer - What's the difference between a hardware register and a memory-mapped register?
- a simple makefile tutorial
## ⚡️ 硬盘 #### 文章 + [呃, 硬盘](https://neo1218.github.io/disk/)
## ⚡️ Boot Loader #### 文章 + [Why BIOS loads MBR into 0x7C00 in x86?](http://www.glamenv-septzen.net/en/view/6)
## ⚡️ 内存管理 #### 文章 + [memory Segmentation of 8086](http://www.slideshare.net/bhadaninikhil2/segmentation-36335590) + [Understanding "Flat memory model" and "Segmented memory model"](http://superuser.com/questions/318804/understanding-flat-memory-model-and-segmented-memory-model) + [The '640K' quote won't go away -- but did Gates really say it? ](http://www.computerworld.com/article/2534312/operating-systems/the--640k--quote-won-t-go-away----but-did-gates-really-say-it-.html) + [全局描述符表](https://neo1218.github.io/gdt/)
## ⚡️ Posix #### 文章 + [standard - What exactly is POSIX?](http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/11983/what-exactly-is-posix)
## ⚡️ GUI #### 文章 + [Compositing window manager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing_window_manager)
## ⚡️ Linux内核开发 + [Writing a Linux Kernel Module ](https://www-s.acm.illinois.edu/sigops/pages/tutorials/lkm.html) + [How to make a GNU/Linux kernel patch?](https://www.reliableembeddedsystems.com/2010_10_20/WE-2.1_Berger-paper.pdf)
## ⚡️ 视频 + [ToaruOS at 5 Years: A Closer Look at a Hobby OS ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp5kl-NfpM8) + [AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc4ROCJYbm0&t=762s) + [Andrew S. Tanenbaum: The Impact of MINIX ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86_BkFsb4eI)