I encountered an issue with MMDrawerViewController where I am getting the following error in the console: "[framework] CUICatalog: Invalid asset name supplied: '(null)'".
Steps to Reproduce:
Initialize MMDrawerViewController with the necessary configuration.
Perform actions that trigger the loading of assets or UI elements.
Expected Behavior:
The MMDrawerViewController should correctly load and display assets without any error messages.
Actual Behavior:
The error message "[framework] CUICatalog: Invalid asset name supplied: '(null)'" is displayed in the console.
MMDrawerViewController version: [insert version number]
Xcode version: 14.3
iOS version: iOS16
Device: iPhone12promax
Additional Information:
I have checked my code for any potential issues related to asset names or resource loading, and everything appears to be in order. The error seems to originate from within the MMDrawerViewController framework.
Please let me know if you require any further information or if there is a known workaround for this issue. Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.