gateio-crypto-trading-bot-binance-announcements-new-coins Public
Forked from CyberPunkMetalHead/gateio-crypto-trading-bot-binance-announcements-new-coinsThis is a crypto trading bot that scans the Binance Annoucements page for new coins, and places trades on Gateio
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 15, 2021 -
betfair-horse-racing Public
Forked from dickreuter/betfair-horse-racingA fully functional automated horse racing trading system for betfair in python. Collects data, uses a neural network to analyse the data, makes trading recommendations and places the bets before ra…
CSS UpdatedDec 10, 2020 -
DockerizandoNodeMongodb Public
Forked from mortegac/DockerizandoNodeMongodbDockerizando Nodejs y MongoDb
Dockerfile UpdatedJun 18, 2018 -
graylog-plugin-aws Public
Forked from Graylog2/graylog-plugin-awsSeveral bundled Graylog plugins to integrate with different AWS services like CloudTrail and FlowLogs.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 11, 2018 -
Poker Public
Forked from dickreuter/PokerFully functional Pokerbot that works on PartyPoker and PokerStars. Check the wiki how to contribute! Binaries can be downloaded here.
Python UpdatedMar 1, 2018 -
face_recognition Public
Forked from ageitgey/face_recognitionThe world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2017 -
Python3 Public
Forked from nguyen-toan/Python3"Python 3: The Python Environment" online course
Python UpdatedAug 13, 2014