###Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree – Project 03
#Classic Arcade Game Clone – “Find a Key”
###Project Requirements:
You will be provided with visual assets and a game loop engine; using these tools you must add a number of entities to the game including the player characters and enemies to recreate the classic arcade game Frogger.
ONLINE VERSION of the project: http://www.thefullresolution.com/arcade_game/
###General Usage Notes
- To run a game open index.html if the project is downloaded from GitHub.
- You need an active internet connection since project uses Google fonts and jQuery.
- Click play button.
- For additional controls press "show control buttons" above the canvas.
- Click "space" on the keyboard once the text appears or press a "space" button.
- Use arrows or on-screen buttons to control player.
- Press "space" to pause the game.
###Game Rules
- Goal is to find a key to the house. Follow the star markers to find a key.
- There are two levels in the game, key is in the second one, you must bring key back to complete a game.
- Avoid touching bugs.
- If you touch a bug you lose a life, if you have no lives left game is over.
- If you have lives left and you touch a bug, you become immortal for 2s.
- If you hold a key and you touch a bug, the key will go back to original location.
####Sources used in the project: