Case Study - Pdf Comparison (Java 21, Spring Boot, JUnit, Jacoco, Prometheus,Grafana, AlertManager, Docker, Kubernetes, Github Action (CI/CD))
Compatibility verification tool for IntelliJ Platform plugins
Kodluyoruz için Hazırladığım Video Eğitim Seti Repo'sudur. Tüm Eğitimlerime: adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Microservice Architecture using multiple languages
Example code for the book Microservice patterns
AWS EKS Kubernetes - Masterclass | DevOps, Microservices
Mirror of the IntelliJ SDK Docs Code Samples
Template repository for creating plugins for IntelliJ Platform
Open-source plugins included in the distribution of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform
Kablosuzkedi Kanalındaki Docker Serisi için Hazırlanmış Dokümantasyondur tarafından sunulan "Kubernetes Temelleri" eğitiminde gerekli dosyaların barındırılması için oluşturulan GitHub repository'si.
Bank monolithic application transformed to microservices and created cloud-native application
This repo is part of a tutorial about writing microservices using Spring Boot
The Performance Analyzer RCA is a framework that builds on the Performance Analyzer engine to support root cause analysis (RCA) of performance and reliability problems for OpenSearch instances.
Spring boot application that enable users who forgot their passwords to reset them.
JWT Authentication of a frontend with a Spring Boot backend
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