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Support let* expression
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muqiuhan committed Jul 30, 2022
1 parent 97c9a8b commit 9900c29
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Showing 9 changed files with 229 additions and 178 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .ocamlformat
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@@ -1 +1 @@
profile = default
profile = janestreet
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ let rec repl a_stream env =
let result, env' = eval ast env in
print_endline (string_val result);
repl a_stream env'

let () =
try repl { chrs = []; line_num = 1; chan = stdin } basis
with End_of_file -> print_endline "Goodbye!"
try repl { chrs = []; line_num = 1; chan = stdin } basis with
| End_of_file -> print_endline "Goodbye!"
114 changes: 57 additions & 57 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ open Types.Ast

let rec assert_unique = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs ->
if List.mem x xs then raise (Unique_error_exn x) else assert_unique xs
| x :: xs -> if List.mem x xs then raise (Unique_error_exn x) else assert_unique xs

let let_kinds = ["let", LET; "let*", LETSTAR; "letrec", LETREC]
let let_kinds = [ "let", LET; "let*", LETSTAR; "letrec", LETREC ]
let valid_let s = List.mem_assoc s let_kinds
let to_kind s = List.assoc s let_kinds

Expand All @@ -33,54 +33,53 @@ let rec build_ast sexpr =
| Primitive _ | Closure _ -> raise This_can't_happen_exn
| Fixnum _ | Boolean _ | Nil | Quote _ -> Literal sexpr
| Symbol symbol -> Var symbol
| Pair _ when Object.is_list sexpr -> (
match Object.pair_to_list sexpr with
| [ Symbol "if"; cond; if_true; if_false ] ->
If (build_ast cond, build_ast if_true, build_ast if_false)
| Symbol "cond" :: conditions -> cond_to_if conditions
| [ Symbol "and"; cond_x; cond_y ] ->
And (build_ast cond_x, build_ast cond_y)
| [ Symbol "or"; cond_x; cond_y ] ->
Or (build_ast cond_x, build_ast cond_y)
| [ Symbol "quote"; expr ] -> Literal (Quote expr)
| [ Symbol "setq"; Symbol name; expr ] ->
Defexpr (Setq (name, build_ast expr))
| [ Symbol "lambda"; ns; e ] when Object.is_list ns ->
let names =
| Symbol symbol -> symbol
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(lambda (formals) body)"))
(Object.pair_to_list ns)
Lambda (names, build_ast e)
| [ Symbol "defun"; Symbol name; args; expr ] ->
let err () = raise (Type_error_exn "(defun name (formals) body)") in
let names =
(function Symbol s -> s | _ -> err ())
(Object.pair_to_list args)
Defexpr (Defun (name, names, build_ast expr))
| [ Symbol "apply"; fn_expr; args ] ->
Apply (build_ast fn_expr, build_ast args)
| (Symbol s)::bindings::exp::[] when Object.is_list bindings && valid_let s ->
let mkbinding = function
| Pair (Symbol n, Pair (expr, Nil)) -> n, build_ast expr
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(let bindings expr)")
let bindings = mkbinding (Object.pair_to_list bindings) in
let () = assert_unique ( fst bindings) in
Let (to_kind s, bindings, build_ast exp)
| fn_expr :: args -> Call (build_ast fn_expr, build_ast args)
| [] -> raise (Parse_error_exn "poorly formed expression"))
| Pair _ when Object.is_list sexpr ->
(match Object.pair_to_list sexpr with
| [ Symbol "if"; cond; if_true; if_false ] ->
If (build_ast cond, build_ast if_true, build_ast if_false)
| Symbol "cond" :: conditions -> cond_to_if conditions
| [ Symbol "and"; cond_x; cond_y ] -> And (build_ast cond_x, build_ast cond_y)
| [ Symbol "or"; cond_x; cond_y ] -> Or (build_ast cond_x, build_ast cond_y)
| [ Symbol "quote"; expr ] -> Literal (Quote expr)
| [ Symbol "setq"; Symbol name; expr ] -> Defexpr (Setq (name, build_ast expr))
| [ Symbol "lambda"; ns; e ] when Object.is_list ns ->
let names =
| Symbol symbol -> symbol
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(lambda (formals) body)"))
(Object.pair_to_list ns)
Lambda (names, build_ast e)
| [ Symbol "defun"; Symbol name; args; expr ] ->
let err () = raise (Type_error_exn "(defun name (formals) body)") in
let names =
| Symbol s -> s
| _ -> err ())
(Object.pair_to_list args)
Defexpr (Defun (name, names, build_ast expr))
| [ Symbol "apply"; fn_expr; args ] -> Apply (build_ast fn_expr, build_ast args)
| [ Symbol s; bindings; exp ] when Object.is_list bindings && valid_let s ->
let mkbinding = function
| Pair (Symbol n, Pair (expr, Nil)) -> n, build_ast expr
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(let bindings expr)")
let bindings = mkbinding (Object.pair_to_list bindings) in
let () = assert_unique ( fst bindings) in
Let (to_kind s, bindings, build_ast exp)
| fn_expr :: args -> Call (build_ast fn_expr, build_ast args)
| [] -> raise (Parse_error_exn "poorly formed expression"))
| Pair _ -> Literal sexpr

and cond_to_if = function
| [] -> Literal (Symbol "error")
| Pair (cond, Pair (res, Nil)) :: condpairs ->
If (build_ast cond, build_ast res, cond_to_if condpairs)
If (build_ast cond, build_ast res, cond_to_if condpairs)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(cond conditions)")

let spacesep ns = String.concat " " ns

Expand All @@ -90,24 +89,25 @@ let rec string_exp =
| Literal e -> string_val e
| Var n -> n
| If (c, t, f) ->
"(if " ^ string_exp c ^ " " ^ string_exp t ^ " " ^ string_exp f ^ ")"
| If (c, t, f) -> "(if " ^ string_exp c ^ " " ^ string_exp t ^ " " ^ string_exp f ^ ")"
| And (c0, c1) -> "(and " ^ string_exp c0 ^ " " ^ string_exp c1 ^ ")"
| Or (c0, c1) -> "(or " ^ string_exp c0 ^ " " ^ string_exp c1 ^ ")"
| Apply (f, e) -> "(apply " ^ string_exp f ^ " " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
| Call (f, es) -> "(" ^ string_exp f ^ " " ^ spacesep_exp es ^ ")"
| Lambda (args, body) ->
"(lambda (" ^ spacesep args ^ ") " ^ string_exp body ^ ")"
| Lambda (args, body) -> "(lambda (" ^ spacesep args ^ ") " ^ string_exp body ^ ")"
| Defexpr (Setq (n, e)) -> "(setq " ^ n ^ " " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
| Defexpr (Defun (n, ns, e)) ->
"(defun " ^ n ^ "(" ^ spacesep ns ^ ") " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
"(defun " ^ n ^ "(" ^ spacesep ns ^ ") " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
| Defexpr (Expr e) -> string_exp e
| Let (kind, bs, e) ->
let str =
match kind with LET -> "let" | LETSTAR -> "let*" | LETREC -> "letrec"
let bindings = spacesep ( string_of_binding bs) in
"(" ^ str ^ " (" ^ bindings ^ ") " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"
let str =
match kind with
| LET -> "let"
| LETSTAR -> "let*"
| LETREC -> "letrec"
let bindings = spacesep ( string_of_binding bs) in
"(" ^ str ^ " (" ^ bindings ^ ") " ^ string_exp e ^ ")"

and string_val e =
let rec string_list l =
Expand All @@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ and string_val e =
| Boolean b -> if b then "#t" else "#f"
| Symbol s -> s
| Nil -> "nil"
| Pair (_, _) ->
"(" ^ (if Object.is_list e then string_list e else string_pair e) ^ ")"
| Pair (_, _) -> "(" ^ (if Object.is_list e then string_list e else string_pair e) ^ ")"
| Primitive (name, _) -> "#<primitive:" ^ name ^ ">"
| Quote expr -> "'" ^ string_val expr
| Closure (_, _, _) -> "#<closure>"
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Expand Up @@ -23,47 +23,52 @@ exception Unspecified_value_exn of string

let rec lookup = function
| n, [] -> raise (Not_found_exn n)
| n, (n', v) :: _ when n = n' -> (
match !v with Some v' -> v' | None -> raise (Unspecified_value_exn n))
| n, (n', v) :: _ when n = n' ->
(match !v with
| Some v' -> v'
| None -> raise (Unspecified_value_exn n))
| n, (_, _) :: bs -> lookup (n, bs)

let bind (name, value, sexpr) = (name, ref (Some value)) :: sexpr
let mk_loc () = ref None
let bind_loc (n, vor, e) = (n, vor) :: e

let bind_list ns vs env =
List.fold_left2 (fun acc n v -> bind (n, v, acc)) env ns vs
let bind_list ns vs env = List.fold_left2 (fun acc n v -> bind (n, v, acc)) env ns vs

let basis =
let newprim acc (name, func) =
bind (name, Object.Primitive (name, func), acc)
List.fold_left newprim []
Primitives.Num.generate "+" ( + );
Primitives.Num.generate "-" ( - );
Primitives.Num.generate "*" ( * );
Primitives.Num.generate "/" ( / );
Primitives.Num.generate "mod" ( mod );
Primitives.Cmp.generate "=" ( = );
Primitives.Cmp.generate "<" ( < );
Primitives.Cmp.generate ">" ( > );
Primitives.Cmp.generate ">=" ( >= );
Primitives.Cmp.generate "<=" ( <= );

("list", Primitives.list);
("pair", Primitives.pair);
("cdr", Primitives.cdr);
("eq", Primitives.eq);
("atom?", Primitives.atomp);
("sym?", Primitives.symp);
let newprim acc (name, func) = bind (name, Object.Primitive (name, func), acc) in
[ Primitives.Num.generate "+" ( + )
; Primitives.Num.generate "-" ( - )
; Primitives.Num.generate "*" ( * )
; Primitives.Num.generate "/" ( / )
; Primitives.Num.generate "mod" ( mod )
; Primitives.Cmp.generate "=" ( = )
; Primitives.Cmp.generate "<" ( < )
; Primitives.Cmp.generate ">" ( > )
; Primitives.Cmp.generate ">=" ( >= )
; Primitives.Cmp.generate "<=" ( <= )
; "list", Primitives.list
; "pair", Primitives.pair
; "car",
; "cdr", Primitives.cdr
; "eq", Primitives.eq
; "atom?", Primitives.atomp
; "sym?", Primitives.symp

let rec env_to_val =
let b_to_val (n, vor) =
(Symbol n, match !vor with None -> Symbol "unspecified" | Some v -> v)
( Symbol n
, match !vor with
| None -> Symbol "unspecified"
| Some v -> v )
| [] -> Object.Nil | b :: bs -> Object.Pair (b_to_val b, env_to_val bs)
| [] -> Object.Nil
| b :: bs -> Object.Pair (b_to_val b, env_to_val bs)
83 changes: 43 additions & 40 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,66 +20,69 @@ include Ast
open Types.Object

let extend newenv oldenv =
(fun (b, v) acc -> Environment.bind_loc (b, v, acc))
newenv oldenv
List.fold_right (fun (b, v) acc -> Environment.bind_loc (b, v, acc)) newenv oldenv

let rec eval_expr expr env =
let eval_apply fn_expr args =
match fn_expr with
| Primitive (_, f) -> f args
| Closure (ns, e, clenv) ->
eval_expr e (extend (Environment.bind_list ns args clenv) env)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(apply prim '(args)) or (prim args)")
let rec eval = function
| Literal (Quote e) -> e
| Literal l -> l
| Var n -> Environment.lookup (n, env)
| If (cond, if_true, _) when eval cond = Boolean true -> eval if_true
| If (cond, _, if_false) when eval cond = Boolean false -> eval if_false
| If _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(if bool e1 e2)")
| And (cond_x, cond_y) -> (
match (eval cond_x, eval cond_y) with
| Boolean x, Boolean y -> Boolean (x && y)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(and bool bool)"))
| Or (cond_x, cond_y) -> (
match (eval cond_x, eval cond_y) with
| Boolean v1, Boolean v2 -> Boolean (v1 || v2)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(or bool bool)"))
| Apply (fn, args) -> eval_apply (eval fn) (Object.pair_to_list (eval args))
| And (cond_x, cond_y) ->
(match eval cond_x, eval cond_y with
| Boolean x, Boolean y -> Boolean (x && y)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(and bool bool)"))
| Or (cond_x, cond_y) ->
(match eval cond_x, eval cond_y with
| Boolean x, Boolean y -> Boolean (x && y)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(or bool bool)"))
| Apply (fn, args) -> eval_apply (eval fn) (Object.pair_to_list (eval args)) env
| Call (Var "env", []) -> Environment.env_to_val env
| Call (fn, args) -> eval_apply (eval fn) ( eval args)
| Call (fn, args) -> eval_apply (eval fn) ( eval args) env
| Lambda (args, body) -> Closure (args, body, env)
| Let (LET, bindings, body) ->
let eval_binding (n, e) = n, ref (Some (eval e)) in
eval_expr body (extend ( eval_binding bindings) env)
| Let (LETSTAR, _, _) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
| Let (LETREC, _, _) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
let eval_binding (n, e) = n, ref (Some (eval e)) in
eval_expr body (extend ( eval_binding bindings) env)
| Let (LETSTAR, bindings, body) ->
let eval_binding acc (n, e) = Environment.bind (n, eval_expr e acc, acc) in
eval_expr body (extend (List.fold_left eval_binding [] bindings) env)
| Let (LETREC, _, _) -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
| Defexpr _ -> raise This_can't_happen_exn
eval expr

and eval_apply fn_expr args env =
match fn_expr with
| Primitive (_, f) -> f args
| Closure (ns, e, clenv) -> eval_closure ns e args clenv env
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "(apply prim '(args)) or (prim args)")

and eval_closure ns e args clenv env =
eval_expr e (extend (Environment.bind_list ns args clenv) env)

let eval_def def env =
match def with
| Setq (name, expr) ->
let v = eval_expr expr env in
(v, Environment.bind (name, v, env))
let v = eval_expr expr env in
v, Environment.bind (name, v, env)
| Defun (n, ns, e) ->
let formals, body, cl_env =
match eval_expr (Lambda (ns, e)) env with
| Closure (fs, bod, env) -> (fs, bod, env)
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "Expecting closure.")
let loc = Environment.mk_loc () in
let clo =
Closure (formals, body, Environment.bind_loc (n, loc, cl_env))
let () = loc := Some clo in
(clo, Environment.bind_loc (n, loc, env))
| Expr e -> (eval_expr e env, env)
let formals, body, cl_env =
match eval_expr (Lambda (ns, e)) env with
| Closure (fs, bod, env) -> fs, bod, env
| _ -> raise (Type_error_exn "Expecting closure.")
let loc = Environment.mk_loc () in
let clo = Closure (formals, body, Environment.bind_loc (n, loc, cl_env)) in
let () = loc := Some clo in
clo, Environment.bind_loc (n, loc, env)
| Expr e -> eval_expr e env, env

let eval ast env =
match ast with
| Defexpr def_expr -> eval_def def_expr env
| expr -> (eval_expr expr env, env)
| expr -> eval_expr expr env, env

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