Tags: multiOTP/multiotp
New release FIX: Windows backup temp folder is now the default system temp folder FIX: Adding -sync-delete-retention-days parameter doesn't return missing parameters error FIX: Case sensitive issue has been fixed with MSCHAPv2 authentication (thanks Alexey) FIX: Case sensitive issue has been fixed during FastCreateUser process FIX: {MultiotpUserDisplayName} tag usage in templates (was not replaced in the QRcode) ENH: Created users are trimmed to avoid bad space prefix/suffix during copy/paste ENH: multiOTP Credential Provider enhanced support ENH: New default-2fa-digits command line option to set the default amount of OTP digits ENH: PHP 8.4.x deprecated code cleaned (xml_set_object removed) ENH: New Message-Authenticator requirement support for FortiGate v7.2.10+, v7.4.5+ and v7.6.1+ ENH: New SetCurrentUserSid function for new Credential Provider -usersid option ENH: Embedded Windows PHP edition updated to version 8.3.15 ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.27.3
New release FIX: Database backend setup and initialization was not working well with some PHP version ENH: New option to force writing logs only in file (even if the backend is a database) ENH: Spryng SMS provider support ENH: PHP 8.2.x deprecated code cleaned (null for string parameters) FIX: without2fa token can be now correctly converted to TOTP with default 30 seconds time interval FIX: Without2fa tokens with prefix pin where not working with CHAP/MSCHAP/MSCHAPv2 FIX: Windows: radiusd.conf and clients.conf files removed from the distribution (they are created automatically when installing the services using radius_install.cmd) ENH: Windows: -debug option removed from the radius module launcher ENH: By design, Credential Provider check request don't wait any prefix. This behavior can now be overwrited.
New release FIX: Command line number of parameters detection corrected ENH: It's now possible to define the number of digits for new created PIN (multiotp -config default-pin-digits=n) ENH: It's now possible to generate the HTML provisioning file by command line (multiotp -htmlinfo username /full/path/to/username.html or multiotp -htmlinfo /full/path/to/folder/ to generate files for all users) ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.25.3 ENH: Embedded Windows internal tools updated (wget 1.21.4 and fart 1.99d) ENH: Embedded Windows freeradius is now launched using NSSM (instead of SRVANY)
New release FIX: Better Windows nginx configuration support (path backslashes replaced by slashes) ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.24.0 ENH: Embedded Windows PHP edition updated to version 8.2.13 ENH: Better hardware/model detection ENH: Documentation enhanced with instructions for RDWeb on Windows ENH: Upgrade of some internal tools ENH: Better internal configuration organization
New release FIX: Automated concurrent access for the same user with "Without2FA" token could corrupt the user file FIX: Any files backend operation is now secured with explicit lock mechanism ENH: Template updated to print bigger QRcode for "MOTP-XML" tokens
New release FIX: Weekly anonymized stats date was not always updated FIX: Adding -tokenslist command in CLI mode (mas missing) FIX: Remove a debug line displaying sometimes "COMMDN:$command\n"; FIX: Some minor PHP notice corrections ENH: Adding on-premises smsgateway (https://github.com/multiOTP/SMSGateway) as a new SMS provider ENH: Better warning messages when CheckUserLdapPassword failed ENH: Embedded documentation enhanced ENH: Template updated to display correct information for WITHOUT2FA tokens
New release ENH: LDAP filter can be customized using SetLdapFilter() method ({cn_identifier}, {username}, and {groups_filtering} placeholders are supported) ENH: Full PHP 8.x support (tested with 8.2.1 and 8.1.14), with backward compatibility support (7.x, >=5.4.x) ENH: Enhanced AD/LDAP paging support ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.22.1 ENH: Embedded Windows PHP edition updated to version 8.2.0 ENH: PHP 8.2.x deprecated code cleaned (nullable trim, dynamic properties, PostgreSQL command without connection argument) ENH: Enhanced sms library (MultiotpSms), new eCall API implementation, new ASPSMS API implementation ENH: Better MySQL error handling ENH: Better PostgreSQL error handling