This is a super basic personal website designed to showcase some skills that would otherwise not be appropriate to put on my resume. The website also includes a copy of my resume, ways to contact me, and a small blog page that I would like to update regularly!
The project includes a build.bat files for both the front end and backend. These build files are also capable of directly deploying to the Google Cloud setup and will automatically update the live website after GCP handles the deployment.
The backend is a super simple RESTful API written in Go using the Gin framework. The backend handles two things: user login and blog posts. Blog post requests are also required to be authenticated.
The front end is a very modest single-page website written in TypeScript, HTML, and SCSS with the Angular17 framework. This was a pretty heafty learning experience for me and it's definitely apparent that my webpage design skills could use lots of improvement!
This is a learning experience for me. Anything is subject to change as I learn and improve my skills in full stack development.