... for Android, BSDs, Linux, macOS, SunOS, Windows (MinGW, WSL)
Generates a text file from a template file or a folder of files from a folder of templates.
Release Version | Release Notes |
A template file could look like this:
// Author: <|AUTHOR:-unknown|>
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
printf( "%s\n", "<|MESSAGE:-Hello World|>");
return( 0);
And would be transformed by mulle-template
using the contents of the
environment with
MESSAGE="VfL Bochum 1848" mulle-template generate template -
// Author: unknown
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
printf( "%s\n", "VfL Bochum 1848");
return( 0);
csed generates sed
replacement strings from the current environment
suitable for replacing file contents.
You can experiment with key delimiters other than '<|' and '>' with the
and --closer
mulle-template --clean-env -DAUTHOR=moi \
csed --opener '${' \
--closer '}' \
--no-date-environment \
Should produce:
-e 's/\${AUTHOR\(:-[^}]*\)\{0,1\}}/moi/g' -e 's/\${[^}]*:-\([^}]*\)}/\1/g'
Check the commands usage to see a description of the available options.
fsed generates sed
replacement strings from the current environment
suitable for replacing filenames. The environment variable must contain one of
the uppercase words EXTENSION
or must end with
, _DIR
, _EXT
to be considered a suitable
replacement key.
You can experiment with key delimiters for the filenames with the options
and --filename-closer
mulle-template --clean-env -DFILENAME=myfile fsed --filename-opener "_"
Should produce:
-e 's/_FILENAME/myfile/g'
The generate command generates sed expressions with csed and fsed and applies them to the contents of a directory or to a single file.
The filenames are transformed with the fsed and the contents of each
file are transformed with csed. The transformation is done using sed
of course.
A template file contains regular text that is copied unchanged and keys delimited by "<|" and "|>" (e.g. <|FOO|>). These are substituted with values found in the environment variables. For unset variables you can supply a default substitution value (e.g. <|FOO:-no foo|>).
You have a few options, outside of those mentioned in the fsed and csed commands, to customize the templating operation.
Usually the template directory is copied along with the files. So the command
mulle-template generate templates foo
with a directory:
βββ file1
βββ file2
will produce
βββ templates
βββ file1
βββ file2
If you don't like that, you can use the option --without-template-dir
Usually mulle-template copies the permissions of the template file over
to the generated file. This can be turned off with --no-permissions
Usually mulle-template does not overwrite existing files. You can do so
by either specifing the --overwrite
option or the -f
flag (which comes
before the generate
Picking out a single file. Sometimes it is convenient to just reinstall a
single file from a batch of template files. In combination with
the --file
option allows you to do just that.
For source files it is often convenient to prepend a copyright header and other personal information. If the template has a line containing <|HEADER|> only or <|FOOTER|> only, then the contents of the files given by --header-file or --footer-file are inserted. These contents will also undergo template expansion.
See mulle-sde-developer how to install mulle-sde, which will also install mulle-template with required dependencies.
The command to install only the latest mulle-template into
(with sudo) is:
curl -L 'https://github.com/mulle-sde/mulle-template/archive/latest.tar.gz' \
| tar xfz - && cd 'mulle-template-latest' && sudo ./bin/installer /usr/local
Nat! for Mulle kybernetiK