- Upload to your site
- Creates by URL yoursite
- copy generated URL to any medium
What does this do?
Creates a countdown image counting down to a specific time/date for use in email campaigns.
How does it work?
This generates an image based on the following variables:
$image = imagecreatefrompng('images/countdown.png');
$font = array(
'size'=>23, // Font size, in pts usually.
'angle'=>0, // Angle of the text
'x-offset'=>7, // The larger the number the further the distance from the left hand side, 0 to align to the left.
'y-offset'=>30, // The vertical alignment, trial and error between 20 and 60.
'file'=>'./GillSans.ttc', // Font path
'color'=>imagecolorallocate($image, 55, 160, 130), // RGB Colour of the text