Embedded Project Traffic Light Controller using Arduino and Tinkercad online 3D modelling program. This project is to design a traffic light controller system for a four lane junction (North, South, East, West) to coordinate the traffic moves.
Use 12 LEDs (3 for each direction) for traffic light signal indication
In normal signalling operation, similar signal sequence are applied in opposite lanes (for ex. east and west) with Green signal for 15 Sec. then Yellow for 2 Sec. and then Red. Meanwhile, north & south lane will be at red.
Once this sequence is completed, switch to next opposite lanes (i.e north & south) and carry out signalling with Green signal for 10 Sec. then Yellow signal for 2 Sec. and then Red meanwhile, east & west lane will be in red.
Continuously switch between these two signal sequence.
Hint: Use 6 Digital pins for lane signalling LEDs (3 for East & West, 3 for North & South)