Projects for course IF3170 Artificial Intelligence
This halma game is done as part of completing the course IF3170 Artificial Intelligence in Institut Teknologi Bandung. The core of the project is implementing AI in the bot (computer player), using Minimax Algorithm, Local Search Algorithms (Hill Climbing or Simulated Annealing), and both, and finding out how good each algorithm performs.
The app is web-based, and written in vanilla HTML + CSS + Javascript.
You can play the game here
Browser that can run Javascript.
Open index.html
in the browser.
Upon opening the program, this menu will appear.
Each configuration is described as follows:
- B-Size: Size of the Game Board
- T-Limit: Time Limit for each player to make turn
- Player Color: Color of halma pieces for the player
- Bot Type: Algorithm which the bot will use to determine move.
Please note that the current game doesn't allow for human player v human player mode.
The game display looks like this, for B-Size = 16.
If you win, the game will end and a popup will appear.
- Muhammad Hasan (13518012)
- Farras Mohammad Hibban Faddila (13518017)
- Fabian Zhafransyah (13518022)
- Jun Ho Choi Hedyatmo (13518044)