A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
Inspired by First Timers Only blog post and YourFirstPR project.
If you are an open source project maintainer, add the label first-timers-only
(or similar) to your project and list it here so people can find it.
- xoreos (label: first-timers-only)
- Shouldly (label: Jump-In)
- Clementine.js Boilerplate (label: beginner)
- PouchDB (label: first time only)
- Leaflet (label: easy fix)
- angular-formly (label: first-timers-only)
- Dragula (label: first-timers-only)
- UI.Layout directive (Angular UI) (label: first-timers-only)
- React Router (label: good-for-beginner)
- history (label: good-for-beginner)
- The Reapp User Interface (label: good-for-beginner)
- Mozilla Shumway (label: good-for-beginner)
- TodoMVC (label: first time contributor)
- Adobe Brackets (label: starter bug)
- phpMyAdmin (label: newbie)
- catapult (label: Good First Bug)
- Python Babel (label: easy)
- JRuby (label: beginner)
- puppet-mcollective (label: beginner friendly)
If you are interested in creating something from scratch and looking for ideas check out requests for NPM modules here: sindresorhus/module-requests
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, the author has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.