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For people tired of frameworks.


Fusion is a ready-made development environment based on: Typescript, SASS etc. It automates the process of creating a project tree and basic settings. It allows you to write complete applications from front-end to backend. The construction process is supervised by Webpack and Babel.

The script can be added to the PATH and run with a single command.


You just need to have the NodeJS installed.

Getting Started

The script is designed for Linux and Mac users.

First we have to grant permission to the script.
In the directory where we downloaded the script:

$ chmod +x

Then we can run it:

$ ./

Or we can add the script to the PATH
Follow these steps:

$ sudo mv /usr/local/bin
$ sudo touch ~/.bash_aliases
$ sudo sh -c "echo \"alias fusion='/usr/local/bin/'\" > ~/.bash_aliases"
$ source ~/.bash_aliases

And just type:

$ fusion


After running the script we will be asked for the name of the project (required), description (not required), and author (not required).
The rest of the process is automated.

Start working

When the script is finished, we will get information about the commands we need.
In order to start work, we move on to the newly created project.

$ cd projectname

Then, to start working:

$ npm run start

to build a project:

$ npm run build

to run a server written by us:

$ npm run start:server

to rebuild only our server:

$ npm run build:server

Initial project structure

projectname |
            +--| dist
            |  +--| client
            |  |  +--| css
            |  |  | + style.css
            |  |  |
            |  |  +--| img
            |  |  +--| js
            |  |
            |  +--| templates
            +--| server
            |  +--| config
            |  |  + config.ts
            |  |
            |  + server.ts
            +--| src
            |  +--| sass
            |  |   +--| abstracs
            |  |   |  + _variables.scss
            |  |   |
            |  |   +--| base
            |  |   |  + _base.scss
            |  |   |  + _typography.scss
            |  |   |
            |  |   +--| components
            |  |   +--| layout
            |  |   |  + _container.scss
            |  |   |
            |  |   +--| pages
            |  |   +--| themes
            |  |   +--| vendors
            |  |   + main.scss
            |  |
            |  +--| ts
            |  |  +--| model
            |  |  |  + Welcome.ts
            |  |  |
            |  |  +--| view
            |  |  |  + animations.ts
            |  |  |  + message.ts
            |  |  |
            |  |  + index.ts
            |  |
            |  + index.html
            + package.json
            + package-lock.json
            + webpack.config.js
            + tsconfig.json
            + tsconfig.srv.json
            + .babelrc
            + .gitignore
