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E-Commerce API

You can use E-Commerce API to set up an online shopping store. The script is written in JavaScript (Node.js), with the help of Express.js, MongoDB, and Mongoose.

General Features

The script includes almost all features an online shopping website may need.


  • User registration and login
  • User authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Protected route for website admin
  • Forgot password and password recovery

User Cart

Customers can add, edit, and remove their desired products to the shopping cart.

  • Add an item to the cart
  • Remove the cart or an item from it
  • Refres the cart
  • View cart products

User Orders

Customers can get a list of their orders and check the details of each order. This list can also be viewed by the website admin.

  • Get a list of orders
  • View the details of each order


  • View all products
  • View a single product

Online Payment

After adding at least 1 item to the cart, online payment will be activated. Then, you can pay and confirm the transaction, and your purchase will be transferred to the order list.

Add Address

  • Submit user address
  • Update address
  • Delete address
  • View list of addresses
  • View individual addresses

Add comments

  • Add comments for products

Admin-Only Features

User Management

  • Add user
  • Update user info
  • Delete user
  • View all users
  • Promote normal user to an admin

Product Management

  • Add product
  • Update product info
  • Delete product
  • View all products
  • View a single product

Manage Categories

  • Add main category and sub-category
  • Update category
  • Remove category
  • View all categories

Shopping Cart management

  • View all shopping carts

Orders Management

  • Make order
  • Update order
  • Delete order
  • View all orders

File Management

  • Add file
  • Update file
  • Delete file
  • View list of all files

Comments Management

  • Receive all comments
  • Confirm comment
  • Delete comment

Documentation (General Features)

To use E-Commerce API read the following section thoroughly and follow the instructions.

Set up the Program

To run the program on your personal system, you need to have installed the following modules and software:

auto-bind: ^4.0.0,
axios: ^1.4.0,
bcrypt: ^5.0.1,
config: ^3.3.6,
cors: ^2.8.5,
debug: ^4.3.2,
express: ^4.17.1,
express-async-errors: ^3.1.1,
express-fileupload: ^1.4.0,
express-validator: ^6.13.0,
jsonwebtoken: ^8.5.1,
lodash: ^4.17.21,
mkdirp: ^0.5.5,
mongoose: ^6.8.3,
mongoose-timestamp: ^0.6.0,
winston: ^3.8.1

If you have already installed Node.js on you system, all required modules will be installed automatically by running the following command in the project root folder:

npm install

Set Local Variables

After installing the required programs and modules, enter the config folder and edit the following configuration:

   "name": "Auth Project", // Project name
   "db": {
      "address": "mongodb://" // Database address
   "jwt_key": "dfsdfff4t5j6h4j5h64564j5h645j6h45jh6", // A reandom value
   "zarinPal":  {
   "PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL": "http://localhost:3000/api/payment/checkout",
   // Fill in the payment gateway information (Currently, only ZarrinPal is supported)
   "PORT": 5000 // Your access port to the application

Run the Backend

After installing the required modules and software, and setting local variables, it's time to run the script with the following command:

npm start

The script is now ready to work.

How to Send a Request

To send a request to the backend in JSON format, you must follow the instructions below. Note that you must use the desired server address instead of {{URL}}.

User Registeration

Send a POST request to the following address to register users:

POST: {{URL}}/api/auth/register

Field Data Type Description
username* String Username
email* String E-mail Address
password* String Password
isadmin Boolean Access-Level determination (Defaults to false)

Request Example:

   "username": "Talhe",
   "email": "",
   "password": "123445678"

Return Value: If the registration process is done correctly, the following response will be returned from the server:

   "message": "the user successfuly registered",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64a450f699e30131c22aa7de",
      "username": "Talhe",
      "email": ""


Send a POST request to the following address to login:

POST: {{URL}}/api/auth/login

Request Example:

   "email": "",
   "password": "123445678"

Return Value: If the login process is done successfully, a Json Web Token (JWT) will be sent back to you from the server, whose name is x-auth-token, and can be used to send authenticated requests to the server.

   "message": "successfuly logged in",
   "data": {
      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2NDMyZGNmYjJiNTA3MzY1MDlmNzE4MGMiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODg0OTA2OTd9.2A4YWHWEZwL4_FDpT1RQUm71JIhts0Yv-wMzVZJn--k"

Forgot Password

In case of a forgotten password, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/reset/forget

Request Example:

   "email": ""

If the process is successful, an email will be sent to the user, which contains a password recovery link such as:

POST: {{URL}}/api/reset/b5a5e6ffab8e6f4351fde5fe9806bee5f967cf5e7b5ff2ebdc453222f79337b4f54b7e7a82e94f97

By clicking on the link above, the user will be transferred to the password reset page. Then, the value of the parameter that is in front of the reset should be sent to back to the server, along with the new password.

Password Recovery

To recover the password, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/reset/b5a5e6ffab8e6f4351fde5fe9806bee5f967cf5e7b5ff2ebdc453222f79337b4f54b7e7a82e94f97

Request Example:

   "password": "mynewpass"

Return Value: If the login process is done successfully, a Json Web Token (JWT) will be sent back to you from the server, whose name is x-auth-token, and can be used to send authenticated requests to the server.

   "message": "Your password changed!",
   "data": {}

Get Profile

Send a GET request to the following address to receive the user profile.

GET: {{URL}}/api/user/profile

Return Value: If the login process is done successfully, a Json Web Token (JWT) will be sent back to you from the server, whose name is x-auth-token, and can be used to send authenticated requests to the server.

   "message": "User Profile",
   "data": {
      "username": "talhe",
      "email": ""

Update Profile

Send a PUT request to the following address to update the user profile:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/user/update

Field Data Type Description
username* String Username
password* String Password

Request Example:

   "username": "talhe 2",
   "password": "newpassword"

Return Value:

   "message": "User updated!",
   "data": {
      "username": "talhe 2",
      "password": "$2b$10$WEEkck11beamYsQ0Y5aIYu6ZwZUKK/9iqShxbPO7QFqfZOggFNpky"

Add to shopping cart

Send the product ID to the following address using the POST method to add a product to the shopping cart:

POST: {{URL}}/api/cart/create

Field Data Type Description
productId* String Product ID

Request Example:

   "productId": "646b64eb38f4f6acf269ddab"

Return Value:

   "message": "A new cart created.",
   "data": {
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "list": [
            "productId": "646b64eb38f4f6acf269ddab",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 233,
            "_id": "64a583ae0ecadbf718719621"
      "payment": {
         "state": "READY",
         "date": 1688568430754
      "amount": 0,
      "_id": "64a583ae0ecadbf718719620",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-05T14:52:30.088Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-05T14:52:30.088Z",
      "__v": 0

Note: By sending a repeated request, only the quantity of the same product will increase in the shopping cart.

Update Shopping Cart

Send a PUT request to the following address to update the shopping cart:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/cart/update

Field Data Type Description
list* Array Product ID and quantity

Request Example:

   "list": [
         "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
         "quantity": 50
         "productId": "646b64eb38f4f6acf269ddab",
         "quantity": 100

Return Value:

   "message": "the cart successfuly updated",
   "data": {
      "payment": {
         "state": "READY",
         "date": 1688569513694
      "_id": "64a586d01261be396411c9b2",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "list": [
            "productId": "646b64eb38f4f6acf269ddab",
            "quantity": 100,
            "price": 233,
            "_id": "64a586d01261be396411c9b3"
            "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
            "quantity": 50,
            "price": 233,
            "_id": "64a586e21261be396411c9b9"
      "amount": 0,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-05T15:06:45.265Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-05T15:05:52.393Z",
      "__v": 1

Delete Cart

Send a DELETE request to the following address to clear the shopping cart:

DELET: {{URL}}/api/cart/delete

Return Value:

   "message": "the cart successfuly deleted",
   "data": {}

View Shopping Cart Items

Send a GET request to the following address to view the shopping cart items:

GET: {{URL}}/api/cart/view

Return Value:

   "message": "Cart found",
   "data": {
      "payment": {
         "state": "READY",
         "date": 1688570239225
      "_id": "64a589cb69c7529dc384d85d",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "list": [
            "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 233,
            "_id": "64a589cb69c7529dc384d85e"
      "amount": 0,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-05T15:18:35.448Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-05T15:18:35.448Z",
      "__v": 0

Get Orders List

For a list of all orders, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/order/list

Return Value:

   "message": "the orders",
   "data": [
         "payment": {
            "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000435575690",
            "code": 100,
            "state": "SUCCESS",
            "date": 1686162129294
         "_id": "647f79a41abb3ad00910c3d1",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "products": [
               "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
               "quantity": 1,
               "price": 0,
               "_id": "647f78d718c399b8e445e951"
         "amount": 10000,
         "updatedAt": "2023-06-06T18:23:32.198Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-06-06T18:23:32.198Z",
         "__v": 0

View Order Details

Send a GET request to the following address to view order details:

GET: {{URL}}/order/view/orderId

Request Example:

   "list": [
         "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
         "quantity": 50
         "productId": "646b64eb38f4f6acf269ddab",
         "quantity": 100

Return Value:

   "message": "Order found.",
   "data": {
      "payment": {
         "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000435575690",
         "code": 100,
         "state": "SUCCESS",
         "date": 1686162129294
      "_id": "647f79a41abb3ad00910c3d1",
      "userId": {
         "_id": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "email": "",
         "username": "talhe"
      "products": [
            "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 0,
            "_id": "647f78d718c399b8e445e951"
      "amount": 10000,
      "updatedAt": "2023-06-06T18:23:32.198Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-06-06T18:23:32.198Z",
      "__v": 0

Add Comment

Send a POST request to the following address to add a comment:

POST: {{URL}}/api/comment/create

Field Data Type Description
productId* ObjectId Product ID
rating* String User will be allowed to rate the product from 1 to 5
title* String Comment title
description* String Comment description
parent* ObjectId To reply to a comment, just add this field and enter the ID of that comment

Request Example:

   "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
   "rating": "5",
   "title": "yellow",
   "description": "Yellow color suits this shirt very well"

Note: If you are an admin, your comment will be automatically approved, otherwise, your comment must be approved by the main site administrator to be displayed.

Return Value:

   "message": "New comment added.",
   "data": {
      "name": "talhe",
      "email": "",
      "authorId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
      "parent": null,
      "rating": 5,
      "title": "yellow",
      "description": "Yellow color suits this shirt very well",
      "check": true,
      "_id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-06T14:02:50.476Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-06T14:02:50.476Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd"

Get All Products

For a list of all products, send a GET request to the following address with:

GET: {{URL}}/api/product

Return Value:

   "message": "the All products!",
   "data": [
         "images": {
            "gallery": [],
            "main": {
               "_id": "645fe437c45c6682f650651e",
               "name": "e.jpg",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\files\\images\\2023\\5\\13\\1684005943280-9963984.jpg"
         "_id": "64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b",
         "title": "Slash pants",
         "desc": "Description of Slash pants",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "6441111f8382c39faa8f7eb5",
               "name": "Pants",
               "slug": "Pants",
               "id": "6441111f8382c39faa8f7eb5"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 20000,
         "slug": "-lash-pants",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-08T17:10:35.855Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-08T17:10:35.855Z",
         "__v": 0
         "images": {
            "gallery": [],
            "main": {
               "_id": "645fe437c45c6682f650651e",
               "name": "e.jpg",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\files\\images\\2023\\5\\13\\1684005943280-9963984.jpg"
         "_id": "64a998c669ea51d88393fd6f",
         "title": "t shirts",
         "desc": "Description of t shirts",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "646b647438f4f6acf269dda3",
               "name": "t shirts",
               "slug": "t-shirts",
               "id": "646b647438f4f6acf269dda3"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 50000,
         "slug": "t-shirts",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-08T17:11:34.414Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-08T17:11:34.414Z",
         "__v": 0

Product Search

To search for a product, send a GET request to the following address and pass the phrase as the value (argument) of the search query parameter of the URL. For example, let's say the phrase is Slash pants:

GET: {{URL}}/api/product?search=Slash pants

Return Value:

   "message": "the product",
   "data": [
         "images": {
            "gallery": [],
            "main": {
               "_id": "645fe437c45c6682f650651e",
               "name": "e.jpg",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\files\\images\\2023\\5\\13\\1684005943280-9963984.jpg"
         "_id": "64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b",
         "title": "Slash pants",
         "desc": "Description of Slash pants",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "6441111f8382c39faa8f7eb5",
               "name": "Pants",
               "slug": "Pants",
               "id": "6441111f8382c39faa8f7eb5"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 20000,
         "slug": "-lash-pants",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-08T17:10:35.855Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-08T17:10:35.855Z",
         "__v": 0

Get Products Based on Categories

For a list of all products based on a specific category, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/product?category=t-shirts

Return Value:

   "message": "the product",
   "data": [
         "images": {
            "gallery": [],
            "main": {
               "_id": "645fe437c45c6682f650651e",
               "name": "e.jpg",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\files\\images\\2023\\5\\13\\1684005943280-9963984.jpg"
         "_id": "64a998c669ea51d88393fd6f",
         "title": "t shirts",
         "desc": "Description of t shirts",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "646b647438f4f6acf269dda3",
               "name": "t shirts",
               "slug": "t-shirts",
               "id": "646b647438f4f6acf269dda3"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 50000,
         "slug": "t-shirts",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-08T17:11:34.414Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-08T17:11:34.414Z",
         "__v": 0
         "images": {
            "gallery": [],
            "main": {
               "_id": "645fe437c45c6682f650651e",
               "name": "e.jpg",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\files\\images\\2023\\5\\13\\1684005943280-9963984.jpg"
         "_id": "64a99f36db9be9de231940b9",
         "title": "t shirts 2",
         "desc": "Description of t shirts 2",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "646b647438f4f6acf269dda3",
               "name": "t shirts",
               "slug": "t-shirts",
               "id": "646b647438f4f6acf269dda3"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 60000,
         "slug": "t-shirts-2",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-08T17:39:02.761Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-08T17:39:02.761Z",
         "__v": 0

Get a Single Product

To get a single product, send a GET request to the following address with the corresponding product ID. For example, if the productId is 64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b:

GET: {{URL}}/api/product/productId


GET: {{URL}}/api/product/64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b

Return Value:

   "message": "the product",
   "data": {
      "images": {
      "gallery": [],
      "main": {
            "_id": "645fe437c45c6682f650651e",
            "name": "e.jpg",
            "encoding": "7bit",
            "size": "29090",
            "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\files\\images\\2023\\5\\13\\1684005943280-9963984.jpg",
            "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
            "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
            "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
            "__v": 0
      "_id": "64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b",
      "title": "Slash pants",
      "desc": "Description of Slash pants",
      "categories": [
            "_id": "6441111f8382c39faa8f7eb5",
            "name": "Pants",
            "slug": "Pants",
            "parent": "6436d1bdbb3fee1fde6d8802",
            "updatedAt": "2023-04-20T10:17:03.179Z",
            "createdAt": "2023-04-20T10:17:03.179Z",
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "6441111f8382c39faa8f7eb5"
      "size": [
      "color": [
      "price": 20000,
      "slug": "-lash-pants",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-08T17:10:35.855Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-08T17:10:35.855Z",
      "__v": 0

Get Product Comments

For a list of all product comments, send a GET request to the following address with the corresponding product ID. For example, if the productId is 64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b:

GET: {{URL}}/api/product/productId


GET: {{URL}}/api/product/64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b

Return Value:

   "message": "comments of this product",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd",
         "name": "talhe",
         "email": "",
         "authorId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "productId": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
         "parent": {
            "_id": "64b94e9e7a12a8bce2d1d931",
            "name": "talhe",
            "email": "",
            "authorId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
            "productId": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
            "parent": null,
            "rating": 5,
            "title": "gooooood",
            "description": "The price of this product is much better than other products",
            "check": true,
            "updatedAt": "2023-07-20T15:11:26.060Z",
            "createdAt": "2023-07-20T15:11:26.060Z",
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "64b94e9e7a12a8bce2d1d931"
         "rating": 5,
         "title": "yellow",
         "description": "Yellow color suits this shirt very well",
         "check": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-16T18:27:42.668Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-06T14:02:50.476Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd"
         "_id": "64b94e9e7a12a8bce2d1d931",
         "name": "talhe",
         "email": "",
         "authorId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "productId": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
         "parent": null,
         "rating": 5,
         "title": "gooooood",
         "description": "The price of this product is much better than other products",
         "check": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-20T15:11:26.060Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-20T15:11:26.060Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "id": "64b94e9e7a12a8bce2d1d931"

Online Payment

For online payment, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/payment

Return Value:

   "data": {
      "info": {
         "payment": {
            "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000444068040",
            "code": 100,
            "state": "PEDNDING",
            "date": 1689181562833
         "_id": "64ad8bbe56d83bae0a586430",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "list": [
               "productId": "64a998c669ea51d88393fd6f",
               "quantity": 1,
               "price": 50000,
               "_id": "64ad8bbe56d83bae0a586431"
         "amount": 50000,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-11T17:06:02.850Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-11T17:05:02.925Z",
         "__v": 0
      "redirect": ""

After receiving the response, redirect the user to the returned value. If the transaction is successful, the value of Status will be OK, and if the transaction is not successful, the value will be NOK.

Successful transaction example where the user hase been redirected from the payment gateway back to the website:


Failed transaction example where the user hase been redirected from the payment gateway back to the website:


Note: Currently, the only regulated payment gateway is Zarin Pal.

To check the payment details, send a request to the following address using the POST method:

POST: {{URL}}/api/payment/checkout

Field Data Type Description
Authority* String Payment code
Status* String OK or NOK

Request Example:


Return Value:

   "status": 200,
   "data": {
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "products": [],
      "payment": {
         "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000444068040",
         "code": 100,
         "state": "SUCCESS",
         "date": 1689181562833
      "amount": 50000,
      "_id": "64ad8d7789763be17299a143",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-11T17:12:23.102Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-11T17:12:23.102Z",
      "__v": 0
   "message": "The payment is done."

Note: After a successful transaction, the shoppint cart will be deleted from the database.

Add Address

To add an address, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/address/add

Request Example:

   "country": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
   "provState": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
   "city": "64ea337b316f9f571f40823e",
   "address": "ŮŽAzadi street",
   "postalcode": "8999333432"

Return Value:

   "message": "Address added.",
   "data": {
      "country": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
      "provState": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
      "city": "64ea337b316f9f571f40823e",
      "address": "ŮŽAzadi street",
      "postalcode": "8999333432",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "_id": "64ea417e1163f4e83605e576",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T18:16:30.553Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T18:16:30.553Z",
      "__v": 0

Update Address

To update an address, send a PUT request to the following address. For example, if the addressId is 64ea417e1163f4e83605e576:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/address/update/:addressId


PUT: {{URL}}/api/address/update/64ea417e1163f4e83605e576

Request Example:

  "country": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
   "provState": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
   "city": "64ea337b316f9f571f40823e",
   "address": "ŮŽAddress Updated!",
   "postalcode": "8999333432"

Return Value:

   "message": "Address updated.",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64ea417e1163f4e83605e576",
      "country": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
      "provState": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
      "city": "64ea337b316f9f571f40823e",
      "address": "ŮŽAddress Updated!",
      "postalcode": "8999333432",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T18:19:06.343Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T18:16:30.553Z",
      "__v": 0

Addresses List

To get a list of all addresses, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/address/list

Return Value:

   "message": "Address found.",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64ea417e1163f4e83605e576",
         "address": "ŮŽAddress Updated!"
         "_id": "64ea45001163f4e83605e57e",
         "address": "ŮŽAzadi street"

Get Address Details

To get the details of a user's postal address, send a GET request to the following address. For example, if the addressId is 64ea45001163f4e83605e57e:

GET: {{URL}}/api/address/view/:addressId


GET: {{URL}}/api/address/view/64ea45001163f4e83605e57e

Return Value:

   "message": "Address found.",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64ea45001163f4e83605e57e",
      "country": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
      "provState": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
      "city": "64ea337b316f9f571f40823e",
      "address": "ŮŽAzadi street",
      "postalcode": "8999333432",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T18:31:28.171Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T18:31:28.171Z",
      "__v": 0

Delete an Address

To delete an address, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the addressId is 64ea45001163f4e83605e57e:

DELETE: {{URL}}/api/address/view/:addressId


DELETE: {{URL}}/api/address/view/64ea45001163f4e83605e57e

Return Value:

   "message": "Address deleted.",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64ea45001163f4e83605e57e",
      "country": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
      "provState": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
      "city": "64ea337b316f9f571f40823e",
      "address": "ŮŽAzadi street",
      "postalcode": "8999333432",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T18:31:28.171Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T18:31:28.171Z",
      "__v": 0

Documentation (Admin-Only Features)

Note: The following features are only available to the admin of the website.

Add Category

To add a new category, send a POST request to the following address:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/create

Field Data Type Description
name* string Category name
parent* ObjectId If you want this category to be a subset of another category, enter the parent category ID (Optional)

Request Example:

   "name": "new Category"

Return Value:

   "message": "the category successfuly saved",
   "data": {
      "name": "new Category",
      "slug": "new-Category",
      "parent": null,
      "_id": "64b2e8059f0bd229c9be768e",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-15T18:40:05.263Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-15T18:40:05.263Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "id": "64b2e8059f0bd229c9be768e"

Note: In case you want this category to be a subset of another one, add the parent property to the request object and set the ID of that category as the value.

Update Category

To update a category, send a POST request to the following address. For example, if the categoryId is 64b2e3be8936f0ca5aa6d777:

POST: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/:categoryId


POST: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/64b2e3be8936f0ca5aa6d777

Request Example:

   "name": "name updated"

Return Value:

   "message": "the category successfuly updated",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b2e8059f0bd229c9be768e",
      "name": "name updated",
      "slug": "name-updated",
      "parent": null,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-15T18:41:20.350Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-15T18:40:05.263Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "id": "64b2e8059f0bd229c9be768e"

Delete Category

To delete a category, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the categoryId is 64b2e8059f0bd229c9be768e:

DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/:categoryId


DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/64b2e8059f0bd229c9be768e

Return Value:

   "message": "the category successfuly deleted",
   "data": {}

Note: If you delete a main category, its subcategories will also be deleted.

Get All Categories

To get all categories, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/category

Return Value:

   "message": "the All Categories",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64b2e9459f0bd229c9be7698",
         "name": "category one",
         "slug": "category-one",
         "parent": null,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-15T18:45:25.250Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-15T18:45:25.250Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "id": "64b2e9459f0bd229c9be7698"
         "_id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
         "name": "category two",
         "slug": "category-two",
         "parent": null,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-15T18:45:31.688Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-15T18:45:31.688Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c"

Get All Comments

To get all comments, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/comment

Return Value:

   "message": "the All Comments",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd",
         "name": "talhe",
         "email": "",
         "authorId": {
               "_id": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c"
         "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
         "parent": null,
         "rating": 5,
         "title": "yellow",
         "description": "Yellow color suits this shirt very well",
         "check": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-06T14:02:50.476Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-06T14:02:50.476Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd"
         "_id": "64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce",
         "name": "talhe",
         "email": "",
         "authorId": {
               "_id": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c"
         "productId": "64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b",
         "parent": null,
         "rating": 5,
         "title": "The price is right",
         "description": "The price of this product is much better than other products",
         "check": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-16T18:14:12.232Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-16T18:14:12.232Z",
         "__v": 0,
         "id": "64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce"

Delete Comment

To delete a comment, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the commentId is 64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce:

DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/:categoryId


DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/category/64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce

Return Value:

   "message": "The comment was deleted! ",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce",
      "name": "talhe",
      "email": "",
      "authorId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "productId": "64a9988b69ea51d88393fd6b",
      "parent": null,
      "rating": 5,
      "title": "The price is right",
      "description": "The price of this product is much better than other products",
      "check": true,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-16T18:14:12.232Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-16T18:14:12.232Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "comments": [],
      "id": "64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce"

Approve Comment

To approve a comment and make it visible to all users, send a PUT request to the following address. For example, if the commentId is 64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/api/admin/comment/commentId/approve


PUT: {{URL}}/api/api/admin/comment/64b43374a3d11ba96fa36bce/approve

Return Value:

   "message": "The comment Submited! ",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd",
      "name": "talhe",
      "email": "",
      "authorId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "productId": "646b64ca38f4f6acf269dda7",
      "parent": null,
      "rating": 5,
      "title": "yellow",
      "description": "Yellow color suits this shirt very well",
      "check": true,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-16T18:27:42.668Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-06T14:02:50.476Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "comments": [],
      "id": "64a6c98ad68599ed4dbcc1bd"

Note: After sending the request to this address, the corresponding chckbox will be checked, and it will be confirmed by the site admin.

Add File

To add a file, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/api/admin/file/upload

Return Value:

   "message": "The File Successfully Added!",
   "data": [
         "name": "e.jpg",
         "encoding": "7bit",
         "size": "29090",
         "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg",
         "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
         "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
         "__v": 0

After uploading the file, it will be saved in src/files directory. The maximum upload size is 2MB. Also, only jpg, png, jpeg, mp3, and mpeg extensions are supported.

Update File Data

To update the data of a file, send a PATCH request to the following address. For example, if the fileId is 64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525:

PATCH: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/update/:fileId


PATCH: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/update/64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525

Field Data Type Description
name* String New file name
userId* ObjectId New owner's ID

Request Example:

   "name": "new name",
   "userId": "64a450f699e30131c22aa7de"

Return Value:

   "message": "file Updated! ",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
      "name": "new name",
      "encoding": "7bit",
      "size": "29090",
      "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg",
      "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
      "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
      "userId": "64a450f699e30131c22aa7de",
      "__v": 0,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z"

Delete File

To delete a file, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the fileId is 645fe437c45c6682f650651e:

DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/delete/:fileId


DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/delete/645fe437c45c6682f650651e

Return Value:

   "message": "file Deleted! ",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b5376c4dfa8b92212cceed",
      "name": "e.jpg",
      "encoding": "7bit",
      "size": "29090",
      "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689597804846-8619500.jpg",
      "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
      "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "__v": 0

Note: After receiving the response from the server, the file information will be deleted from the database, and the file itself will be deleted from src/files.

Get All Fiels

To get a list of all files, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/list

Return Value:

   "message": "The All Files. ",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
         "name": "new name",
         "encoding": "7bit",
         "size": "29090",
         "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg",
         "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
         "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "__v": 0,
         "createdAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z"
         "_id": "64b54b6d0e8383ad48270568",
         "name": "wp11266119.jpg",
         "encoding": "7bit",
         "size": "598165",
         "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689602925181-4339100.jpg",
         "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
         "md5": "4c040d78de5435815bb3b50bf7bf6483",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "__v": 0

View File

To view a file, send a GET request to the following address. For example, if the fileId is 644a78aea7fac85d554:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/view/:fileId


GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/file/view/644a78aea7fac85d554

Return Value:

   "message": "the file! ",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
      "name": "new name",
      "encoding": "7bit",
      "size": "29090",
      "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg",
      "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
      "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "__v": 0,
      "createdAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z"

Add Product

To add a product, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/create

Field Data Type Description
title* String Product name
description* String Product full description
mindescription* String Product short description
images* ObjectId The main contains the main image and the gallery contains the gallary image
categories* ObjectId Product category
size* String Product size
color* String Product color
price* String Product price

Request Example:

   "title": "react js course",
   "description": "The library for web and native user interfaces.",
   "mindescription": "React.js is a JavaScript library",
   "images": {
      "main": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
      "gallery": [
   "categories": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
   "size": "sm",
   "color": "green",
   "price": "50000"

Return Value:

   "message": "the product successfuly saved",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
      "title": "react js course",
      "mindescription": "React.js is a JavaScript library",
      "price": 50000

Update Product

To update a product, send a PUT request to the following address. For example, if the productId is 64b7fb593e474c037fb428d3:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/:productId


PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/64b7fb593e474c037fb428d3

Field Data Type Description
title* String Product name
description* String Product full description
mindescription* String Product short description
images* ObjectId The main contains the main image and the gallery contains the gallary image
categories* ObjectId Product category
size* String Product size
color* String Product color
price* String Product price
owner* String Owner ID (defaults to the ID of the website owner)

Request Example:

   "title": "node Js course updated",
   "description": "Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.",
   "mindescription": "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime",
   "images": {
      "main": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
      "gallery": [
   "categories": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
   "size": "sm",
   "color": "green",
   "price": "50000",
   "owner": "6436767e1f76bd45c30117c1"

Return Value:

   "message": "the product successfuly updated",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
      "title": "node Js course updated",
      "mindescription": "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime",
      "price": 50000

Delete Product

To delete a product, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the productId is 64b80ce92798792c74a79382:

DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/:productId


DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/64b80ce92798792c74a79382

Return Value:

   "message": "the product successfuly deleted",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64b80ce92798792c74a79382",
      "title": "node Js course updated"

View Product

To view a single product, send a GET request to the following address. For example, if the productId is 64b7fb593e474c037fb428d3:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/:productId


GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/64b7fb593e474c037fb428d3

Return Value:

   "message": "the product",
   "data": {
      "images": {
         "main": {
            "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
            "name": "new name",
            "encoding": "7bit",
            "size": "29090",
            "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg",
            "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
            "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
            "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
            "__v": 0,
            "createdAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-07-17T14:00:47.734Z"
         "gallery": [
               "_id": "64b7fb1b3e474c037fb428cf",
               "name": "wp11266119.jpg",
               "encoding": "7bit",
               "size": "598165",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778971586-203953.jpg",
               "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
               "md5": "4c040d78de5435815bb3b50bf7bf6483",
               "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
               "__v": 0
               "_id": "64b7fb0b3e474c037fb428cc",
               "name": "e.jpg",
               "encoding": "7bit",
               "size": "29090",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778955688-4330658.jpg",
               "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
               "md5": "c150d69e86358d94c5d0454454076abb",
               "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
               "__v": 0
      "_id": "64b7fb593e474c037fb428d3",
      "title": "node Js course updated 2",
      "description": "Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.",
      "mindescription": "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime",
      "categories": [
            "_id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
            "name": "category two",
            "slug": "category-two",
            "parent": null,
            "updatedAt": "2023-07-15T18:45:31.688Z",
            "createdAt": "2023-07-15T18:45:31.688Z",
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c"
      "size": [
      "color": [
      "price": 50000,
      "slug": "node-s-course-updated-2",
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T16:17:36.031Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-19T15:03:53.386Z",
      "__v": 0

View All Products

To view All products, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/product

Return Value:

   "message": "the All products",
   "data": [
         "images": {
            "main": {
               "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
               "name": "new name",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg"
            "gallery": [
                  "_id": "64b7fb1b3e474c037fb428cf",
                  "name": "wp11266119.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778971586-203953.jpg"
                  "_id": "64b7fb0b3e474c037fb428cc",
                  "name": "e.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778955688-4330658.jpg"
         "_id": "64b812fe9f218256148bc2b4",
         "title": "node Js course",
         "description": "Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.",
         "mindescription": "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
               "name": "category two",
               "slug": "category-two",
               "id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 10000,
         "slug": "node-s-course",
         "owner": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T16:44:46.909Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-19T16:44:46.909Z",
         "__v": 0
         "images": {
            "main": {
               "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
               "name": "new name",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg"
            "gallery": [
                  "_id": "64b7fb1b3e474c037fb428cf",
                  "name": "wp11266119.jpg",
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                  "_id": "64b7fb0b3e474c037fb428cc",
                  "name": "e.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778955688-4330658.jpg"
         "_id": "64b813729f218256148bc2bc",
         "title": "react js course",
         "description": "The library for web and native user interfaces.",
         "mindescription": "React.js is a JavaScript library",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
               "name": "category two",
               "slug": "category-two",
               "id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 50000,
         "slug": "react-js-course",
         "owner": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T16:46:42.954Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-19T16:46:42.954Z",
         "__v": 0

View Product

To view all products from a specific category, send a GET request to the following address and pass the phrase as the value (argument) of the category query parameter of the URL. For example, let's say the phrase is Slash pants:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/product?category=categoryName


GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/product?category=category-one

Return Value:

   "message": "the product",
   "data": [
         "images": {
            "main": {
               "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
               "name": "new name",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg"
            "gallery": [
                  "_id": "64b7fb1b3e474c037fb428cf",
                  "name": "wp11266119.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778971586-203953.jpg"
                  "_id": "64b7fb0b3e474c037fb428cc",
                  "name": "e.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778955688-4330658.jpg"
         "_id": "64b812fe9f218256148bc2b4",
         "title": "node Js course",
         "description": "Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.",
         "mindescription": "Node.js is a JavaScript runtime",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "64b8141a9f218256148bc2c5",
               "name": "category one",
               "slug": "category-one",
               "id": "64b8141a9f218256148bc2c5"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 10000,
         "slug": "node-s-course",
         "owner": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T16:44:46.909Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-19T16:44:46.909Z",
         "__v": 0

Product Search

To search for a product, send a GET request to the following address and pass the phrase as the value (argument) of the search query parameter of the URL. For example, let's say the phrase is Slash pants:

GET: {{URL}}/api/product?search=Slash pants

Return Value:

   "message": "the product",
   "data": [
         "images": {
            "main": {
               "_id": "64b54755937ea0ffaa2e0525",
               "name": "new name",
               "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\17\\1689601877301-2383559.jpg"
            "gallery": [
                  "_id": "64b7fb1b3e474c037fb428cf",
                  "name": "wp11266119.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778971586-203953.jpg"
                  "_id": "64b7fb0b3e474c037fb428cc",
                  "name": "e.jpg",
                  "filepath": "\\Users\\Markazi-108\\Desktop\\projects\\ecommerce-Api-main\\src\\files\\images\\2023\\7\\19\\1689778955688-4330658.jpg"
         "_id": "64b813729f218256148bc2bc",
         "title": "react js course",
         "description": "The library for web and native user interfaces.",
         "mindescription": "React.js is a JavaScript library",
         "categories": [
               "_id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c",
               "name": "category two",
               "slug": "category-two",
               "id": "64b2e94b9f0bd229c9be769c"
         "size": [
         "color": [
         "price": 50000,
         "slug": "react-js-course",
         "owner": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-19T16:46:42.954Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-19T16:46:42.954Z",
         "__v": 0

Add Product

To add a new user, send a POST request to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/admin/user/create

Request Example:

   "email": "",
   "username": "morteza",
   "password": "123445678"

Return Value:

   "message": "the user successfuly registered",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6",
      "username": "morteza",
      "email": ""

Update User Info

To update user information, send a PUT request to the following address. For example, if the userId is 64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/:userId


PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6

Request Example:

   "email": "",
   "username": "newusername",
   "password": "newpassword"

Return Value:

   "message": "the user successfuly updated",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6",
      "username": "newusername",
      "email": ""

Delete User

To update user information, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the userId is 64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6:

DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/user/:userId


DELETE: {{URL}}/api/admin/product/64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6

Return Value:

   "message": "the user successfuly deleted",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64bebca6e321e8706eb818b6",
      "username": "newusername",
      "email": ""

Promote User to Main Admin

To promote a normal user to the administrator of the website, send a PUT request to the following address. For example, if the userId is 64a450f699e30131c22aa7de:

PUT : {{URL}}/api/admin/user/:userId


PUT : {{URL}}/api/admin/product/64a450f699e30131c22aa7de

Return Value:

   "message": "The user has successfully become an administrator",
   "data": {
      "_id": "6436767e1f76bd45c30117c1",
      "username": "ali",
      "email": "",
      "isadmin": true

Note: The value of the isAdmin property will change to true after this action, which means the user will be able to manage the entire website.

View All Users

To view all users, send a GET request to the following address:

GET : {{URL}}/api/admin/user

Return Value:

   "message": "the All users",
   "data": [
         "_id": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "email": "",
         "username": "talhe",
         "password": "$2b$10$HsWdNCwkybiTjpMHefKrC.Vw/OkQYYHZiUDaPPv3qhOT91PBLg8Xe",
         "isadmin": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-06T13:41:13.349Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-04-09T15:42:51.516Z",
         "__v": 0
         "_id": "6436767e1f76bd45c30117c1",
         "email": "",
         "username": "ali",
         "password": "$2b$10$f2hBcnkVx3JoIt5FDUuA.OfCesnxWeTmDP6QI3T9dNqbO8SkO6tqC",
         "isadmin": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T18:14:11.606Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-04-12T09:14:38.809Z",
         "__v": 0
         "_id": "64a450f699e30131c22aa7de",
         "email": "",
         "username": "ali",
         "password": "$2b$10$rZ/7mooIMgLnW3J5AkH2uOK8R.QsCIGLvMkGZHqW5EsLexkP74ivS",
         "isadmin": false,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-04T17:03:50.484Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-04T17:03:50.484Z",
         "__v": 0

View Last 5 Registered Users

To view the last 5 registered users, send a GET request to the following address and pass true as the value (argument) of the true query parameter of the URL:

GET : {{URL}}/api/admin/user?new=true

Return Value:

   "message": "the All users",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64a450f699e30131c22aa7de",
         "email": "",
         "username": "ali",
         "password": "$2b$10$rZ/7mooIMgLnW3J5AkH2uOK8R.QsCIGLvMkGZHqW5EsLexkP74ivS",
         "isadmin": false,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-04T17:03:50.484Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-04T17:03:50.484Z",
         "__v": 0
         "_id": "6436767e1f76bd45c30117c1",
         "email": "",
         "username": "ali",
         "password": "$2b$10$f2hBcnkVx3JoIt5FDUuA.OfCesnxWeTmDP6QI3T9dNqbO8SkO6tqC",
         "isadmin": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T18:14:11.606Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-04-12T09:14:38.809Z",
         "__v": 0
         "_id": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "email": "",
         "username": "talhe",
         "password": "$2b$10$HsWdNCwkybiTjpMHefKrC.Vw/OkQYYHZiUDaPPv3qhOT91PBLg8Xe",
         "isadmin": true,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-06T13:41:13.349Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-04-09T15:42:51.516Z",
         "__v": 0

View All Orders

To view all orders, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/order

Return Value:

   "message": "the all orders",
   "data": [
         "payment": {
               "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000447834209",
               "code": 100,
               "state": "SUCCESS",
               "date": 1690552842953
         "_id": "64c27892e31f67a15158f0a3",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "list": [
               "productId": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
               "quantity": 1,
               "price": 50000,
               "_id": "64c27882e31f67a15158f09a"
         "amount": 50000,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-27T14:00:50.097Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-27T14:00:50.097Z",
         "__v": 0
         "payment": {
            "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000447834543",
            "code": 100,
            "state": "SUCCESS",
            "date": 1690552967672
         "_id": "64c2790fe31f67a15158f0b7",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "list": [
               "productId": "64b951c32e572138eab8d226",
               "quantity": 1,
               "price": 30000,
               "_id": "64c27904e31f67a15158f0ae"
         "amount": 30000,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-27T14:02:55.714Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-27T14:02:55.714Z",
         "__v": 0

Delete Order

To delete an order, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the orderId is 64c27892e31f67a15158f0a3:

DELETE : {{URL}}/api/admin/order/:orderId


DELETE : {{URL}}/api/admin/order/64c27892e31f67a15158f0a3

Return Value:

   "message": "the order successfuly deleted",
   "data": {
      "payment": {
         "authority": "A00000000000000000000000000447834209",
         "code": 100,
         "state": "SUCCESS",
         "date": 1690552842953
      "_id": "64c27892e31f67a15158f0a3",
      "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
      "list": [
            "productId": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 50000,
            "_id": "64c27882e31f67a15158f09a"
      "amount": 50000,
      "updatedAt": "2023-07-27T14:00:50.097Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-27T14:00:50.097Z",
      "__v": 0

View All Available Shopping Carts

To view all available shopping carts, send a GET request to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/cart

Return Value:

   "message": "the all carts",
   "data": [
         "payment": {
            "state": "READY",
            "date": 1690467072107
         "_id": "64c27b2cd9fba21e09275b7a",
         "userId": "6432dcfb2b50736509f7180c",
         "list": [
               "productId": "64b951c32e572138eab8d226",
               "quantity": 1,
               "price": 30000,
               "_id": "64c27b2cd9fba21e09275b7b"
               "productId": "64b950947c6705e61f87080b",
               "quantity": 1,
               "price": 50000,
               "_id": "64c27b5bd9fba21e09275b84"
         "amount": 80000,
         "updatedAt": "2023-07-27T14:12:43.197Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-07-27T14:11:56.082Z",
         "__v": 1

Add Location

To add a location, send a POST request including the country/state|province/city to the following address:

POST: {{URL}}/api/admin/location/add

Field Data Type Description
type* String Country or province/state or city (all in UPPERCASE)
name String The name of the country or province/state or city
url String Link
parent ObjectId You must specify the parent value for province/state and city

Request Example:

   "type": "COUNTRY",
   "name": "Iran",
   "url": "iran"

Return Value:

   "message": "Location added.",
   "data": {
      "name": "Iran",
      "url": "iran",
      "_id": "64ea3270316f9f571f408238",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:12:16.769Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:12:16.769Z",
      "__v": 0

Update Location

To update a location, send a PUT request to the following address. For example, if the locationId is 64ea3330316f9f571f40823b:

PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/location/update/:locationId


PUT: {{URL}}/api/admin/location/update/64ea3330316f9f571f40823b

Request Example:

   "type": "PROVESTATE",
   "name": "Tehran",
   "url": "tehran",
   "parent": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a"

Return Value:

   "message": "Location updated.",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
      "name": "Tehran",
      "url": "tehran",
      "parent": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:23:20.889Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:15:28.610Z",
      "__v": 0

View Contries List

To get a list of all countries, send a GET request including the country/state|province/city to the following address:

GET: {{URL}}/api/admin/location/list

Return Value:

   "message": "Country found.",
   "data": [
         "_id": "64ea3270316f9f571f408238",
         "name": "Iran",
         "url": "iran",
         "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:12:16.769Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:12:16.769Z",
         "__v": 0
         "_id": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
         "name": "Canada",
         "url": "canada",
         "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:22:47.883Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:22:47.883Z",
         "__v": 0

View Location Details

To get the details of the provinces and cities of a location, send a GET request to the following address. For example, if the locationId is 64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a:

GET : {{URL}}/api/admin/location/update/:locationId


GET : {{URL}}/api/admin/location/update/64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a

Request Example:

   "type": "COUNTRY"

Return Value:

   "message": "Country found",
   "data": {
      "country": {
         "_id": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
         "name": "Canada",
         "url": "canada",
         "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:22:47.883Z",
         "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:22:47.883Z",
         "__v": 0
      "provState": [
            "_id": "64ea3330316f9f571f40823b",
            "name": "Tehran",
            "url": "tehran",
            "parent": "64ea34e7ed63fc37f380339a",
            "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:23:20.889Z",
            "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:15:28.610Z",
            "__v": 0

Delete Location

To delete a location, send a DELETE request to the following address. For example, if the locationId is 64ea3270316f9f571f408238:

DELETE : {{URL}}/api/admin/location/update/:locationId


DELETE : {{URL}}/api/admin/location/update/64ea3270316f9f571f408238

Request Example:

   "type": "COUNTRY"

Return Value:

   "message": "This location id: 64ea3270316f9f571f408238 deleted!",
   "data": {
      "_id": "64ea3270316f9f571f408238",
      "name": "Iran",
      "url": "iran",
      "updatedAt": "2023-08-26T17:12:16.769Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-08-26T17:12:16.769Z",
      "__v": 0


Ecommerce Api Developed with Node Js






No releases published


No packages published