Tools for oSPARC deployment and management (not directly part of osparc platform)
Support services used for the deployment of the oSPARC platform:
Portainer: Docker management tool
Traefik: Reverse-proxy to handle secured entrypoints
Minio: AWS compatible S3 storage
Docker registry: Docker images registry
Graylog: Logs aggregator
Jaeger: Tracing system
Monitoring: Prometheus/Grafana monitoring
Adminer: Database management
Maintenance: Notebooks for internal maintenance (in development)
Deployment agent: SIM-Core auto deploy tool
Simcore: Configuration for osparc-simcore
git clone
cd osparc-ops
make help
If you are using WSL1, clone the repository in a path accessible by the Windows filesystem (typically in /mnt/c/my_path and not in /home). You need to ensure Ensure Volume Mounts Work (Section Volume Mounts Work)
Clone the repository directly into the WSL2 filesystem (in /home for example).
make up-local
A self-signed certificate may be generated. The system host file may be modified using the default osparc.local fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to point to the local machine.
The services above will be deployed and pre-configured on the following endpoints:
- Traefik: https://monitoring.osparc.local/dashboard/#/
- Portainer: https://monitoring.osparc.local/portainer/
- Minio: https://storage.osparc.local/minio/
- Deployment agent: no UI
- Graylog: https://monitoring.osparc.local/graylog/
- Jaeger: https://monitoring.osparc.local/jaeger/
- Adminer: https://monitoring.osparc.local/adminer
- Monitoring: https://monitoring.osparc.local/grafana/ and Prometheus: https://monitoring.osparc.local/prometheus/
- Maintenance: not reversed proxied yet
- Simcore: https://osparc.local
Default credentials are the following: user: admin password: adminadmin
To change the default domain name and/or services credentials edit repo.config file.
Each service may be configured and deployed according to the needs. Please see each service file to gather information.
- Deploy a virtual cluster to your own host. Suitable as an infrastructure plaform for oSPARC Simcore.
The auto-generated ssl certificates are detected as invalid in my brower ?
You need to do a full cleaning of your installation.
make reset-prune