Struct::Path::PerlStyle - Perl-style syntax frontend for Struct::Path.
Version 0.93
use Struct::Path qw(path);
use Struct::Path::PerlStyle qw(path2str str2path);
my $nested = {
a => {
b => ["B0", "B1", "B2"],
c => ["C0", "C1"],
d => {},
my @found = path($nested, str2path('{a}{}[0,2]'), deref => 1, paths => 1);
while (@found) {
my $path = shift @found;
my $data = shift @found;
print "path '" . path2str($path) . "' refer to '$data'\n";
# path '{a}{b}[0]' refer to 'B0'
# path '{a}{b}[2]' refer to 'B2'
# path '{a}{c}[0]' refer to 'C0'
Nothing is exported by default.
Path is a sequence of 'steps', each represents nested level in the structure.
Like in perl hash keys should be specified using curly brackets
{} # all values from a's subhash
{foo} # value for 'foo' key
{foo,bar} # slicing: 'foo' and 'bar' values
{"space inside"} # key must be quoted unless it is a simple word
{"multi\nline"} # special characters interpolated when double quoted
{/pattern/mods} # keys regexp match
Square brackets used for array indexes specification
[] # all array items
[9] # 9-th element
[0,1,2,5] # slicing: 0, 1, 2 and 5 array items
[0..2,5] # same, but using ranges
[9..0] # descending ranges allowed
Expressions enclosed in parenthesis treated as hooks and evaluated using Safe compartment. Almost all perl operators and core functions available, see Safe for more info. Some path related functions provided by Struct::Path::PerlStyle::Functions.
[](/pattern/mods) # match array values by regular expression
[]{foo}(eq "bar" && BACK) # select hashes which have pair 'foo' => 'bar'
There are two global variables available whithin safe compartment: $_
refers to value and %_
which provides current path via key path
Struct::Path notation) and structure levels refs stack via key refs
String in angle brackets is an alias - shortcut mapped into sequence of steps. Aliases resolved iteratively, so alias may also refer into path with another aliases.
Aliases may be defined via global variable
$Struct::Path::PerlStyle::ALIASES = {
foo => '{some}{long}{path}',
bar => '{and}{few}{steps}{more}'
and then
<foo><bar> # expands to '{some}{long}{path}{and}{few}{steps}{more}'
or as option for str2path
str2path('<foo>', {aliases => {foo => '{long}{path}'}});
Convert perl-style string to Struct::Path path structure
$struct = str2path($string);
Convert Struct::Path path structure to perl-style string
$string = path2str($struct);
Michael Samoglyadov, <mixas at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
bug-struct-path-perlstyle at
, or through the web interface at I
will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Struct::Path::PerlStyle
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RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
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Struct::Path, Struct::Path::JsonPointer, Struct::Diff perldsc, perldata, Safe
Copyright 2016-2019 Michael Samoglyadov.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.