HTML/CSS/JS Prototype using Bootstrap 4, Webpack and Gulp 4 as a task-runner.
*Requires Gulp, Webpack and Node.
Navigate to the root directory:
cd ui-prototype
Run 'npm install' to install the required dependencies:
npm install
Run 'gulp serve' to build, serve the site up locally and start watching files:
gulp serve
Update browser support as needed in "browserslist" config in package.json, or create a separated '.browserlistrc' file: []
Compile and Bundle
gulp build
Compile, Bundle, Serve in local browser, watch
gulp serve
Include Component Partials to Page Layouts, Inject CSS/JS Bundles
gulp include
Compile Sass, Add Prefixes, Add Sourcemaps
gulp styles
Optimize/minify Stylesheets
gulp minstyles
Bundle Javascript
gulp scripts
Optimize Images (GIF, PNG, JPEG only)
gulp images
Optimize/minify SVG
gulp svgo
Watch files for changes, Run BrowserSync
gulp watch