kR^X: Comprehensive Kernel Protection Against Just-In-Time Code Reuse
+--------------------+ [+] kR^X Distribution| +--------------------+
Our kR^X bundle contains the following directories:
[*] `src': This directory contains the code of that implements the
protection. Within it, it contains the following:
[*] `configs': This directory contains the config files for the
Linux kernel v3.19 that we used when
implementing/testing kR^X.
[*] `utils': This directory contains some necessary utilities
(`as' wrapper and AWK script) used by kR^X.
[*] `linux-3.19-krx.patch': The Linux kernel (v3.19) patch
necessary for placing the code on the top of the address
space and setting up the MPX `bnd0' register (so that
it can be used when using the MPX protection scheme).
Currently this repo does not contain the GCC plugins that perform the SFI/MPX enforcement and the fine-grained KASLR plugins (randomizations and return address protection schemes). We will add them as soon as possible and update this document with instructions on how to use them.
+-------------+ [+] Using kR^X| +-------------+
To use kR^X you need to follow the instructions below (we assume a Debian/Linux distribution):
[0.1] Download and untar the Linux kernel v3.19
tar xfz linux-3.19.tar.gz
[0.2] Update the location of the repo (for the rest of this document we assume that the repo was deployed in `/home/marios/krx')
sed -i.bak 's/REPO_DIR/\/home\/marios\/krx/' /home/marios/krx/src/utils/
[1] Patch the Linux kernel
cd linux-3.19
patch -p1 < /home/marios/krx/src/linux-3.19-krx.patch
[2] Setup the `as' wrapper
sudo mv /usr/bin/as /usr/bin/as.old && sudo ln -s /home/marios/krx/src/utils/ /usr/bin/as
[3] Configure the kernel (in this example we use `config-3.19-amd64.krx.deb' which is similar to the default Debian config file)
cp /home/marios/krx/src/configs/config-3.19-amd64.krx.deb ./.config
make oldconfig
[4] Build the kernel
make -j12