Welcome to Project_RL! This repository showcases our exploration of reinforcement learning techniques in three environments: Freeway, Tennis, and Pong. We implemented state-of-the-art algorithms, tested their performance, and analyzed their behavior.
A classic Atari game where the agent controls a chicken trying to cross a multi-lane highway while avoiding cars.
- Environment Preprocessing: Resized, grayscaled, stacked frames, and normalized inputs for efficient model training.
- Algorithms: Implemented Deep Q-Networks (DQN) with extensions like Double DQN, Dueling Networks, and Prioritized Replay Buffer. Also implemented Reinforce, a policy gradient algorithm, for comparison.
- Results: Achieved the optimal reward of 21 using DQN with basic preprocessing and Reinforce with policy gradient optimization.
: Notebook demonstrating the preprocessing pipeline.TabularMethod.py
: Code for tabular methods (state transformations and Monte Carlo integration).Rainbow_dwn.py
: DQN implementation with extensions.
A more complex Atari environment requiring the agent to learn hitting, positioning, and serving strategies in a tennis game.
- Environment Simplification: Cropped frames, extracted ball positions, and reduced the action space from 18 to 6 essential moves.
- Algorithms: Implemented PPO, Maskable PPO, and A2C. Enhanced Maskable PPO with wrappers for action masking, ball tracking, and intermediate rewards.
- Results: Maskable PPO significantly outperformed other models but could not win a full game due to environment complexity.
: Train a single agent with A2C.SB3_Tennis_ppo.py
: Train a single agent with PPO.SB3_TennisDetectPilotA2C.py
: Train Maskable A2C with advanced wrappers.SB3_TennisDetectPilotPPO.py
: Train Maskable PPO with action masking and ball tracking.
Simulates a two-player table tennis game where agents compete to score points.
- Single-Agent Approach: Trained a right paddle agent using PPO in a simplified setup.
- Multi-Agent Approach: Extended the Gym environment to PettingZoo, enabling two agents to train against each other.
- Challenges: Despite promising setups, agents converged to suboptimal strategies, focusing on serving rather than rallying.
: Train two agents with PettingZoo and PPO.MAS_tournament_dqn.py
: Train two agents with DQN.MAS_tournament_reinforce.py
: Train two agents with Reinforce.LoadModels.py
: Utilities to load pre-trained models for inference.single_agent_ppo.py
: Train a single agent with PPO.Config
.py: Containing the config fileswrappers.py
Wrappers implementations
- Algorithms Implemented: DQN, Reinforce, PPO, Maskable PPO, A2C.
- Preprocessing Innovations: Simplified observations using cropping, grayscale, red channel filtering, and frame stacking.
- Insights Gained: Highlighted the strengths and limitations of value-based vs. policy gradient methods across varying complexities.
Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request for improvements or suggestions.