It would be cool if tty-solitaire installation was more easily accessible to people. It seems like we already have some platforms covered:
- ALT Linux (
apt-get install tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @greno4ka. - Arch Linux (via AUR) (
makepkg -si
) Thanks to @HalosGhost. - Arch Linux (
pacman -S tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @polyzen. - Debian (Debian testing,
apt install tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @vaporup. - Homebrew (
brew install tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @mistydemeo. - FreeBSD (
pkg install tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @AMDmi3. - Nix stable (
nix-env --install tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @AndersonTorres. - Slackware (via Slackbuilds) Thanks to @dslackw.
- Void Linux (
xbps-install -S tty-solitaire
) Thanks to @cr6git.
These others still aren't:
- Fedora
- Gentoo
- NetBSD
- OpenBSD
- Ubuntu
What platforms and/or distribution channels am I missing?
Are you a user of any of these and would like to make tty-solitaire available on it? Let me know how can I help!