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Dynamic Resque Pool

Resque pool by Nicholas Evans is a library for managing a pool of resque workers. Given a a config file, it manages your workers for you, starting up the appropriate number of workers for each worker type.

While the resque pool is convenient for a permanent process overlooking a fairly constant set of workers, it is less than convenient to use for more dynamic tasks - one-time long running batch processing worker families that need to be started and supervised manually, and often require adjusting number of worker processes for maximum performance.

Workflow for this kind of task would be:

  • prepare a yaml file with number of workers
  • start resque-pool
  • tail -f the log file on the other console
  • look into pstree (or ps faxuw on Linux)
  • babysit the process, check the system load whether number of workers needs to be adjusted
  • edit the yaml file
  • kill -HUP the resque pool master (hope you remembered the PID from pstree!)
  • rinse, repeat

Or you can add gem "resque-pool-dynamic" to your Gemfile, require 'resque/pool/dynamic/tasks' to your Rakefile, and start an interactive CLI interface that controls the resque-pool-master.

Example resque-pool-manager session

$ bundle exec rake resque:pool:dynamic WORKERS=foo=2:bar=2:\*=1           
resque-pool-manager[21134]: started manager

Status: running, pid: 21134
  bar: 2
  "*": 1
  foo: 2
Process tree:
-+= 21134 japhy resque-pool-master: managing [21136, 21135, 21137, 21138, 21141]
 |--- 21135 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for bar
 |--- 21136 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for bar
 |--- 21137 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for *
 |--- 21138 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for foo
 \--- 21141 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for foo

>> log.tail
resque-pool-manager[21134]: Pool contains worker PIDs: [21136, 21135, 21137, 21138, 21141]
resque-pool-worker[21135]: Starting worker portinari.local:21135:bar
resque-pool-worker[21137]: Starting worker portinari.local:21137:*

resque-pool-worker[21136]: Starting worker portinari.local:21136:bar
resque-pool-worker[21141]: Starting worker portinari.local:21141:foo
resque-pool-worker[21138]: Starting worker portinari.local:21138:foo

(log.tail is following the logfile like tail -f until you break with ^C)

^C>> config :foo => 1, :bar => 4
Reloading resque-pool-master 21134 configuration
=> {"bar"=>4, "*"=>1, "foo"=>1}
>> status

Status: running, pid: 21134
  bar: 4
  "*": 1
  foo: 1
Process tree:
-+= 21134 japhy resque-pool-master: managing [21176, 21178, 21162, 21163, 21180, 21181]
 |--- 21162 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for bar
 |--- 21163 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for bar
 |--- 21176 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for bar
 |--- 21178 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for bar
 |--- 21180 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for *
 \--- 21181 japhy resque-1.20.0: Waiting for foo

>> log.tail
resque-pool-manager[21134]: HUP: reload config file and reload logfiles
resque-pool-manager[21134]: Flushing logs
resque-pool-manager[21134]: HUP: gracefully shutdown old children (which have old logfiles open)
resque-pool-manager[21134]: HUP: new children will inherit new logfiles
resque-pool-worker[21163]: Starting worker portinari.local:21163:bar
resque-pool-worker[21162]: Starting worker portinari.local:21162:bar
resque-pool-manager[21134]: Reaped resque worker[21136] (status: 0) queues: bar
resque-pool-manager[21134]: Reaped resque worker[21135] (status: 0) queues: bar
resque-pool-worker[21176]: Starting worker portinari.local:21176:bar
resque-pool-worker[21178]: Starting worker portinari.local:21178:bar
resque-pool-manager[21134]: Reaped resque worker[21141] (status: 0) queues: foo
resque-pool-manager[21134]: Reaped resque worker[21138] (status: 0) queues: foo
resque-pool-worker[21180]: Starting worker portinari.local:21180:*
resque-pool-worker[21181]: Starting worker portinari.local:21181:foo
^C>> exit
Shutting down resque-pool-master 21134
resque-pool-manager[21134]: INT: immediate shutdown (graceful worker shutdown)
resque-pool-manager[21134]: manager finished
$ _

Command Line Interface

The CLI is a slightly customized Ripl shell (an IRB replacement) started in context of a Resque::Pool::Dynamic instance. You can use all Ruby you want, and call all the methods for controlling the resque pool. A simple built-in help for the custom methods is included:

>> help
Known commands:
  config - "WORKERS", as interpreted by the #parse_config_string method.
  config_path - Path to the temporary config file.
  exit - Finish work
  has_log? - True if we have an open log file.
  kill! - Send signal to a running resque-pool.
  log - Open log of resque-pool process.
  log.ff - Fast forward until end of file (see IO::Tail#backward).
  log.rew - Rewind until beginning of file (see IO::Tail#forward).
  log.rewind - Rewind until beginning of file (see IO::Tail#forward).
  log.tail - Show last n lines of the file, or follow the file.
  log.tail_to_eof - Print contents of the file until current end of file.
  log.tail_until - Follow the file until a line matches regexp.
  log_path - Logfile path.
  pid - PID of the resque-pool process, or nil if it's not running.
  pstree - Show child process tree by calling `pstree` system command.
  reload - Reload resque-pool configuration.
  start - Start resque-pool, showing startup logs.
  start! - Fork a child process for resque-pool master.
  status - Show current status.
  stop - Stop running resque-pool, show shutdown logs.
  stop! - Stop running resque-pool.
  write_config - Write temporary configuration file.
For details, type: help command
>> help config
-------------------------------- Method: #config (Resque::Pool::Dynamic)
                        (Defined in: lib/resque/pool/dynamic/process.rb)
    dynamic.config -> Hash 
    dynamic.config(opts) -> Hash 
    Note: Default configuration is taken from environment variable
    "WORKERS", as interpreted by the #parse_config_string method.
    # config
    #=> {"foo"=>1, "bar"=>2}
    config :foo => 2, :baz => 7
    #=> {"foo"=>2, "baz"=>7, "bar"=>2}
    config :bar => 0
    #=> {"foo"=>2, "baz"=>7}
    dynamic.config -> Hash 
        Show current workers configuration 
        (Hash) - 
    dynamic.config(opts) -> Hash 
        Update workers configuration. If configuration has change and
        resque-pool is running, it is reloaded. 
        (Hash) opts - Dictionary of worker process counts to update
        (pass 0 or nil as value to delete all workers for a queue from pool)
        (Hash) - Updated config
>> _

The built-in help is autogenerated from Yard documentation on methods; if you're curious, look into the Rakefile for details.

Rake task documentation

$ bundle exec rake -D resque:pool:dynamic
rake resque:pool:dynamic
    Starts a dynamic pool of Resque worker processes.
    WORKERS=worker spec - specify initial numbers of workers
                          (look below for format description)
    NO_START=1 - don't start resque-pool master automatically
                 (default is to start)
    Workers spec format:
    queue_name can be whatever resque:work will accept as QUEUE=
    $ rake resque:pool:dynamic WORKERS=foo=1:bar=1:baz,quux,xyzzy=5:*=2
    will start:
     - one worker for queue 'foo'
     - one worker for queue 'bar'
     - five workers for queues baz,quux,xyzzy
     - two workers for all queues

API and code structure

The Rake task, defined in resque/pool/dynamic/tasks.rb, is a one-liner calling out to, which starts the command line interface.

The CLI itself, defined in resque/pool/dynamic/shell.rb, is a thin layer (8 lines of code + Ripl UI tweaks) over an instance of the Resque::Pool::Dynamic class.

The workhorse Resque::Pool::Dynamic class is defined in resque/pool/dynamic.rb. It can be easily instantiated in the code independent from the CLI; the CLI commands are just instance methods you can call then.


Besides interactive, supervised work, Resque::Pool::Dynamic can be used separately from the UI for dynamic, reactive management of workers, implementing some kind of autoscaling and load distribution logic.

It can be used during load tests to automatically optimize best number of workers for maximum processing speed, while keeping load average and memory or CPU usage goals.

It may also react to queue depths, e.g. temporarily reallocating idle workers to overloaded queues or shutting them down to conserve memory, or actively managing sudden short peak usage by stopping other workers and switching them to peaking queue.

It may also simply allocate workers dynamically based on time of day, to e.g. have more workers performing UI-related task in the day, which increases perceived responsiveness, and switch them to process long-running reports overnight when there are less users.

Detailed documentation and source code


A dynamic manager for resque pool







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