A graphic and console implementation of the famous GO GAME for educational purposes with C language and SDL library.
A simple IA for Nine Mens Morris game using minimax and alphabeta pruning search algorithms and cocos2d framework
A build from scratch simulation for time attack on RSA altgorithm using python
Ce repo contient une simple implementation d'une table de hashage, en utilisant une fonction de hashage polynomial, avec les methodes, afficher, ajouter et supprimer, implimenté en c++
A simple approach to host your resume on github-pages. to access your CV from the internet.
This ChatBot is a basic program built in python and have the ability to interact with the user using programmed questions and responses. Its ability is in understanding the inputs by looking for kn…
khaoulabenchari / TopQuiz
Forked from fponroy/TopQuizTopQuiz Android App for OpenClassrooms
khaoulabenchari / Creons-ensemble-une-application-avec-Laravel
Forked from Larasou/Creons-ensemble-une-application-avec-LaravelUne application conçu de A à Z avec le célèbre framework Laravel ainsi que VueJS 2 et compagnie! ;-)
khaoulabenchari / cw-omnibus
Forked from commonsguy/cw-omnibusSource code to omnibus edition of _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_
khaoulabenchari / 20486-DevelopingASPNETMVCWebApplications
Forked from blertonh/20486-DevelopingASPNETMVCWebApplicationsIn this course, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC applications using .NET Framework tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and…
Laravel 6 demo project for appointments management. Generated with
Sample ASP.NET Core 3.0 reference application, powered by Microsoft, demonstrating a layered application architecture with monolithic deployment model. Download 130+ page eBook PDF from docs folder.
khaoulabenchari / OpenClassrooms---Parcours-Android
Forked from PhilippeBoisney/OpenClassrooms---Parcours-AndroidEnsemble de documents & mini-projets réalisés durant la formation diplômante d'un an OpenClassrooms (DÉVELOPPEUR·SE D'APPLICATION - ANDROID)
Code pour la première partie du cours d'architecture MS