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Merge pull request ocaml#9941 from ocaml/ps/rr/refactor__optimize__pa…
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refactor: optimize [Path.reach]
  • Loading branch information
rgrinberg authored Mar 14, 2024
2 parents 40ea41f + 9312ecb commit 1af193f
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Showing 4 changed files with 165 additions and 28 deletions.
146 changes: 118 additions & 28 deletions otherlibs/stdune/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,26 +67,10 @@ end = struct
let to_string t = t
let hash = String.hash
let compare =
let equal = String.equal
let root = "."
let is_root t = Ordering.is_eq (compare t root)

let to_list =
let rec loop t acc i j =
if i = 0
then String.take t j :: acc
else (
match t.[i - 1] with
| '/' -> loop t (String.sub t ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) :: acc) (i - 1) (i - 1)
| _ -> loop t acc (i - 1) j)
fun t ->
if is_root t
then []
else (
let len = String.length t in
loop t [] len len)

let parent t =
if is_root t
then None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,18 +221,124 @@ end = struct
t_len > of_len && t.[of_len] = '/' && String.is_prefix t ~prefix:of_

let reach t ~from =
let rec loop t from =
match t, from with
| a :: t, b :: from when a = b -> loop t from
| _ ->
(match List.fold_left from ~init:t ~f:(fun acc _ -> ".." :: acc) with
| [] -> "."
| l -> String.concat l ~sep:"/")
loop (to_list t) (to_list from)
module Reach = struct
(* count the number of times we need to do ".." *)
let parent_remaining_components pos from =
let len = String.length from in
if pos >= len
then 0
else (
let count = ref 1 in
let pos = if Char.equal from.[pos] '/' then pos + 1 else pos in
for i = pos to len - 1 do
if Char.equal from.[i] '/' then incr count

(* generate a sequence of ".." separated by "/" [times] in [buf] *)
let gen_blit_go_up buf ~times =
if times > 0
then (
String_builder.add_string buf "..";
for _ = 1 to times - 1 do
String_builder.add_string buf "/.."

(* because the ".." above are so common, we precompute the first 20 cases *)
let blit_go_up_table =
Array.init 20 ~f:(fun i ->
List.init (i + 1) ~f:(fun _ -> "..") |> String.concat ~sep:"/")

let blit_go_up buf ~times =
if times > 0
if times > Array.length blit_go_up_table
then (* doing the work in a single blit is fastest *)
gen_blit_go_up buf ~times
else (
let src = blit_go_up_table.(times - 1) in
String_builder.add_string buf src)

(* the size of the "../.." string we need to generate *)
let go_up_components_buffer_size times = (times * 2) + max 0 (times - 1)

let reach_root ~from pos =
let go_up_this_many_times = parent_remaining_components pos from in
if go_up_this_many_times = 0
then "."
else if go_up_this_many_times <= Array.length blit_go_up_table
then blit_go_up_table.(go_up_this_many_times - 1)
else (
let size = go_up_components_buffer_size go_up_this_many_times in
let buf = String_builder.create size in
blit_go_up buf ~times:go_up_this_many_times;
String_builder.build_exact_exn buf [@nontail])

(* if we have "a/b" and "a", we need to skip over the "a", even if the last
component position is [0] *)
let extend_to_comp ~smaller ~bigger ~pos ~comp =
if pos = String.length smaller && bigger.[pos] = '/' then pos else comp

let make_from_common_prefix ~to_ ~from to_pos =
let to_len = String.length to_ in
let to_pos = if to_pos < to_len && to_.[to_pos] = '/' then to_pos + 1 else to_pos in
let to_len = to_len - to_pos in
let go_up_this_many_times = parent_remaining_components to_pos from in
if to_len = 0
then reach_root ~from to_pos
else (
let size = go_up_components_buffer_size go_up_this_many_times in
let add_extra_slash = size > 0 && to_len > 0 in
(* the final length of the buffer we need to compute *)
let size = to_len + size + if add_extra_slash then 1 else 0 in
(* our position inside the buffer *)
let buf = String_builder.create size in
blit_go_up buf ~times:go_up_this_many_times;
if add_extra_slash then String_builder.add_char buf '/';
String_builder.add_substring buf to_ ~pos:to_pos ~len:to_len;
String_builder.build_exact_exn buf [@nontail])

let rec common_prefix ~to_ ~from ~pos ~comp =
if Int.equal pos (String.length to_)
then (
(* the case where we exhausted [to_] first. *)
let pos = extend_to_comp ~smaller:to_ ~bigger:from ~pos ~comp in
make_from_common_prefix ~to_ ~from pos)
else if Int.equal pos (String.length from)
then (
(* we exhausted [from] first *)
let pos = extend_to_comp ~smaller:from ~bigger:to_ ~pos ~comp in
make_from_common_prefix ~to_ ~from pos)
else if Char.equal to_.[pos] from.[pos]
then (
(* eat another common character. *)
let comp =
(* if we find '/', then we advance the last common component position *)
if to_.[pos] = '/' then pos else comp
common_prefix ~to_ ~from ~pos:(pos + 1) ~comp)
else make_from_common_prefix ~to_ ~from comp

let reach to_ ~from =
if is_root from
then to_
else if is_root to_
then reach_root ~from 0
else if equal to_ from
then "."
else common_prefix ~to_ ~from ~pos:0 ~comp:0

let reach = Reach.reach
let extend_basename t ~suffix = t ^ suffix
let extension t = Filename.extension t

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdune/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ module Comparable = Comparable
module Comparable_intf = Comparable_intf
module Staged = Staged
module String = String
module String_builder = String_builder
module Bool = Bool
module Sexp = Sexp
module Path = Path
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdune/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
type t =
{ mutable buf : Bytes.t
; mutable pos : int

let[@inline] create capacity = { buf = Bytes.create capacity; pos = 0 }

let[@inline] build_exact_exn t =
if not (Int.equal t.pos (Bytes.length t.buf))
then Code_error.raise "Stdune.String_builder.build_exact_exn: buffer not full" [];
let result = Bytes.unsafe_to_string t.buf in
(* Ensure that [t.buf] doesn't get used again. *)
t.buf <- Bytes.empty;
t.pos <- 0;

let[@inline] add_char t c =
Bytes.set t.buf t.pos c;
t.pos <- t.pos + 1

let[@inline] add_substring t src ~pos ~len =
Bytes.blit_string ~src ~src_pos:pos ~dst:t.buf ~dst_pos:t.pos ~len;
t.pos <- t.pos + len

let[@inline] add_string t src = add_substring t src ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length src)
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdune/src/string_builder.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
(** A buffer for efficiently building strings. *)
type t

(** Creates a [t] with the given capacity. *)
val create : int -> t

(** Adds a [char] to the end of the buffer. *)
val add_char : t -> char -> unit

(** Adds a [string] to the end of the buffer. *)
val add_string : t -> string -> unit

(** Adds a substring to the end of the buffer. *)
val add_substring : t -> string -> pos:int -> len:int -> unit

(** Returns the built string. Raises if the buffer is not full. Subsequent calls to
[add_char] or [add_string] will also raise. *)
val build_exact_exn : t -> string

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