- remove use of flat_map
- Rewrite RobotState and significantly update RobotModel; lots of optimizations
- add support for diffs in RobotState
- fix #87
- add non-const variants for getRobotMarkers
- use trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory for object attach information instead of sensor_msgs::JointState
- add effort to robot state
- do not include mimic joints or fixed joints in the set of joints in a robot trajectory
- voxel_grid: finish adding Eigen accessors
- voxel_grid: add Eigen accessors
- eliminate determineCollisionPoints() and distance_field_common.h
- propagation_distance_field: make getNearestCell() work with max_dist cells
- distance_field: fix bug in adding shapes
- propagation_distance_field: add getNearestCell()
- remove CollisionMap message, allow no link name in for AttachedCollisionObject REMOVE operations
- make headers and author definitions aligned the same way; white space fixes
- move background_processing lib to core
- enable RTTI for CollisionRequest
- added ability to find attached objects for a group
- add function for getting contact pairs
- move msgs to common_msgs
- doc updates
- white space fixes (tabs are now spaces)
- update root joint if needed, after doing backward fk
- adding options struct to kinematics base
- expose a planning context in the planning_interface base library
- Added ability to change planner configurations in the interface
- add docs for controller manager
- fix computeTransformBackward()
- add computeBackwardTransform()
- bugfixes for voxel_grid, distance_field
- slight improvements to profiler
- Fixes compile failures on OS X with clang
- minor speedup in construction of RobotState
- fix time parametrization crash due to joints that have #variables!=1
- remove re-parenting of URDF models feature (we can do it cleaner in a different way)
- fixes for hydro
- be careful about when to add a / in front of the frame name
- remove distinction of loaded and active controllers
- generate header with version information
- fix #66
- rename getTransforms() to copyTransforms()
- refactor how we deal with frames; add a separate library
- remove direction from CollisionResult
- attempt to fix #241 from moveit_ros
- update paths so that files are found in the globally installed moveit_resources package
- remove magical 0.2 and use of velocity_map
- Work on issue #35.
- rename getAttachPosture to getDetachPosture
- add support for attachment postures and implement MOVE operation for CollisionObject
- add ability to fill in planning scene messages by component
- when projection from start state fails for IK samplers, try random states
- bugfixes
- allow non-const access to kinematic solver
- bugfix: always update variable transform
- bugfixes
- add console colors
- add class fwd macro
- cleanup API of trajectory lookup
- Added method to get joint type as string
- fixing the way mimic joints are updated
- fixed tests
- bugfixes
- robot_state::getFrameTransform now returns a ref instead of a pointer; fixed a bug in transforming Vector3 with robot_state::Transforms, add planning_scene::getFrameTransform
- add profiler tool (from ompl)
- Remove configure from PlanningScene
- return shared_ptr from getObject() (was ref to shared_ptr)
- use NonConst suffix on PlanningScene non-const get functions.
- make setActiveCollisionDetector(string) return bool status
- use CollisionDetectorAllocator in PlanningScene
- add World class
- bodies attached to the same link should not collide
- include velocities in conversions
- Added more general computeCartesianPath, takes vector of waypoints
- efficiency improvements
- add a means to get the names of the known states (as saved in SRDF)
- removed kinematics planner
- Adding comments to voxel grid
- Adding in octree constructor and some additional fields and tests
- Getting rid of obstacle_voxel set as it just slows things down
- Removing pf_distance stuff, adding some more performance, getting rid of addCollisionMapToField function
- Fixing some bugs for signed distance field and improving tests
- Merging signed functionality into PropagateDistanceField, adding remove capabilities, and adding a few comments and extra tests
- rename KinematicState to RobotState, KinematicTrajectory to RobotTrajectory
- remove warnings about deprecated functions, use a deque instead of vector to represent kinematic trajectories
- fix #28
- improves implementation of metaball normal refinement for octomap
- add heuristic to detect jumps in joint-space distance
- make it such that when an end effector is looked up by group name OR end effector name, things work as expected
- removed urdf and srdf from configure function since kinematic model is also passed in
- make sure decoupling of scenes from parents that are themselves diffs to other scenes actually works
- Fix KinematicState::printStateInfo to actually print to the ostream given.
- add option to specify whether the reference frame should be global or not when computing Cartesian paths
- update API for trajectory smoother
- add interpolation function that takes joint velocities into account, generalize setDiffFromIK
- add option to reverse trajectories
- add computeCartesianPath()
- add ability to load & save scene geometry as text
- compute jacobian with kdl
- fix #15
- adding logError when kinematics solver not instantiated, also changing @class
- move some functions to a anonymous namespace
- add doc for kinematic_state ns
- add one more CATKIN dep
- add capabilities related to reasoning about end-effectors
- add ability to specify external sampling constraints for constraint samplers
- fix build system
- add notion of default number of IK attempts
- added ability to use IK constraints in sampling with IK samplers
- fixing service request to take proper group name, check for collisions
- make setFromIK() more robust
- adding capability for constraint aware kinematics + consistency limits to joint state group
- changing the way consistency limits are specified
- speed up implementation of infinityNormDistance()
- adding distance functions and more functions to sample near by
- remove the notion of PlannerCapabilities
- robustness checks + re-enabe support for octomaps
- adding a bunch of functions to sample near by
- update debug messages for dealing with attached bodies, rely on the conversion functions more
- changing manipulability calculations
- adding docs
- log error if joint model group not found
- cleaning up code, adding direct access api for better efficiency
- added a helper function
- fixing payload computations
- Changing pr2_arm_kinematics test plugin for new kinematics_base changes
- Finished updating docs, adding tests, and making some small changes to the function of UnionConstraintSampler and ConstraintSamplerManager
- Some extra logic for making sure that a set of joint constraints has coverage for all joints, and some extra tests and docs for constraint sampler manager
- adding ik constraint sampler tests back in, and modifying dependencies such that everything builds
- Changing the behavior of default_constraint_sampler JointConstraintSampler to support detecting conflicting constraints or one constraint that narrows another value, and adding a new struct for holding data. Also making kinematic_constraint ok with values that are within 2*epsilon of the limits
- update kinematics::KinematicBase API and add the option to pass constraints to setFromIK() in KinematicState
- minor reorganization of code
- fix #10
- minor bugfix
- removing deprecated functions
- moving sensor_manager and controller_manager from moveit_ros
- reorder includes
- add group name option to collision checking via planning scene functions
- update DEPENDS
- robustness checks
- add setVariableBounds()
- read information about passive joints from srdf
- add processPlanningSceneWorldMsg()
- Adding and fixing tests
- Adding docs
- moves refineNormals to new file in collision_detection
- Fixed bugs in PositionConstraint, documented Position and Orientation constraint, extended tests for Position and OrientationConstraint and started working on tests for VisibilityConstraint
- more robust checking of joint names in joint constraints
- adds smoothing to octomap normals; needs better testing
- revert some of the install location changes
- update install target locations
- add dep on kdl_parser
- add kinematics_metrics & dynamics_solver to build process
- fix DEPENDS libs
- more robust checking of joint names in joint constraints
- KinematicModel and KinematicState are independent; need to deal with transforms and conversions next
- moving all headers under include/moveit/ and using console_bridge instead of rosconsole
- fix typo
- removing no longer needed deps
- add moveit_ prefix for all generated libs
- porting to new build system
- moved some libraries to moveit_planners
- add access to URDF and SRDF in planning_models
- Adding in path constraints for validating states, needs more testing
- update conversion functions for kinematic states to support attached bodies
- making JointConstraints + their samplers work with local variables for multi_dof joints
- Remove fast time parameterization and zero out waypoint times
- setting correct error codes
- bugfixes
- changing the way subgroups are interpreted
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- add install targets, fix some warnings and errors
- first release