An implementation of Consul leader election
go get
You must implement election.Interface interface :
type Leader struct {
//this method is called whenever you become a leader
func (l Leader) TakeLeadership(authority *election.LeadershipAuthority){
// Do whatever a leader must do
fmt.Println("I am a leader")
//this method is called whenever you loose leadership
func (l Leader) GiveUpLeadership(){
fmt.Println("I'm not a leader anymore")
after that you can call TryTakingLeadership :
election.TryTakingLeadership( election.DefaultConfig() , leader)
it blocks until you become a leader, if you want non-blocking features you can use :
go election.TryTakingLeadership( election.DefaultConfig() , leader)
package main
import (
var iAmALeader bool
var auth *election.LeadershipAuthority
type Leader struct {
func (l Leader) TakeLeadership(authority *election.LeadershipAuthority){
fmt.Println("I am a leader")
auth = authority
iAmALeader = true
func (l Leader) GiveUpLeadership(){
fmt.Println("I'm not a leader anymore")
auth = nil
iAmALeader = false
//Try to become a leader again
election.TryTakingLeadership(electionConfig , leader)
var leader Leader
var electionConfig *election.Config
func main() {
electionConfig = &election.Config{
WatchWaitTime:1, //Time in seconds to check for leadership
LeaderKey:"service/myService/leader", // The leadership key to create/aquire
election.TryTakingLeadership( electionConfig , leader)
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
if iAmALeader {
//release leadership lock