A webapp that can be used as a notification system. Build to be used on a tablet at an entrance.
- install rails and mysql
- copy
and change credentials if necessary - bundle install
- rails db:setup
- rails server
- visit http://localhost:3000
Register a User. A admin user needs to approve a newly added bell. The bell will appear on the start screen.
The Touchbell only represents one side of a normal door bell. The place where someone can trigger the bell. To notify someone that should open the door a trigger url is used. Examples for services that could be used:
- https://maker.ifttt.com -> allows you to use everything within the IFTTT enviroment (SMS, E-Mail, ...)
- https://telegramiotbot.com -> sends you a message in Telegram
- got another good service? Tell me!
- Fork it ( http://github.com/moritzmair/touchbell/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- please report bugs or problems here: https://github.com/moritzmair/touchbell/issues