Prometheus exporter for Azure DevOps (VSTS) for projects, builds, build times (elapsed and queue wait time), agent pool utilization and active pull requests.
azure-devops-exporter [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--log.debug debug mode [$LOG_DEBUG]
--log.devel development mode [$LOG_DEVEL]
--log.json Switch log output to json format [$LOG_JSON]
--scrape.time= Default scrape time (time.duration) (default: 30m) [$SCRAPE_TIME]
--scrape.time.projects= Scrape time for project metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_PROJECTS]
--scrape.time.repository= Scrape time for repository metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_REPOSITORY] Scrape time for build metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_BUILD]
--scrape.time.release= Scrape time for release metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_RELEASE]
--scrape.time.deployment= Scrape time for deployment metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_DEPLOYMENT]
--scrape.time.pullrequest= Scrape time for pullrequest metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_PULLREQUEST]
--scrape.time.stats= Scrape time for stats metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_STATS]
--scrape.time.resourceusage= Scrape time for resourceusage metrics (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_RESOURCEUSAGE]
--scrape.time.query= Scrape time for query results (time.duration) [$SCRAPE_TIME_QUERY] Scrape time for live metrics (time.duration) (default: 30s) [$SCRAPE_TIME_LIVE]
--stats.summary.maxage= Stats Summary metrics max age (time.duration) [$STATS_SUMMARY_MAX_AGE]
--azure.tenant-id= Azure tenant ID for Service Principal authentication [$AZURE_TENANT_ID]
--azure.client-id= Client ID for Service Principal authentication [$AZURE_CLIENT_ID]
--azure.client-secret= Client secret for Service Principal authentication [$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET]
--azuredevops.url= Azure DevOps URL (empty if hosted by Microsoft) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_URL]
--azuredevops.access-token= Azure DevOps access token [$AZURE_DEVOPS_ACCESS_TOKEN]
--azuredevops.access-token-file= Azure DevOps access token (from file) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_ACCESS_TOKEN_FILE]
--azuredevops.organisation= Azure DevOps organization [$AZURE_DEVOPS_ORGANISATION]
--azuredevops.apiversion= Azure DevOps API version (default: 5.1) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_APIVERSION]
--azuredevops.agentpool= Enable scrape metrics for agent pool (IDs) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_AGENTPOOL]
--whitelist.project= Filter projects (UUIDs) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_FILTER_PROJECT]
--blacklist.project= Filter projects (UUIDs) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_BLACKLIST_PROJECT]
--list.query= Pairs of query and project UUIDs in the form: '<queryId>@<projectId>' [$AZURE_DEVOPS_QUERIES]
--tags.schema= Tags to be extracted from builds in the format 'tagName:type' with following types: number,
info, bool [$AZURE_DEVOPS_TAG_SCHEMA] Build definition ids to query tags (IDs) [$AZURE_DEVOPS_TAG_BUILD_DEFINITION]
--cache.path= Cache path (to folder, file://path... or
azblob:// or
k8scm://{namespace}/{configmap}}) [$CACHE_PATH]
--request.concurrency= Number of concurrent requests against (default: 10) [$REQUEST_CONCURRENCY]
--request.retries= Number of retried requests against (default: 3) [$REQUEST_RETRIES]
--servicediscovery.refresh= Refresh duration for servicediscovery (time.duration) (default: 30m)
--limit.project= Limit number of projects (default: 100) [$LIMIT_PROJECT]
--limit.builds-per-project= Limit builds per project (default: 100) [$LIMIT_BUILDS_PER_PROJECT]
--limit.builds-per-definition= Limit builds per definition (default: 10) [$LIMIT_BUILDS_PER_DEFINITION]
--limit.releases-per-project= Limit releases per project (default: 100) [$LIMIT_RELEASES_PER_PROJECT]
--limit.releases-per-definition= Limit releases per definition (default: 100) [$LIMIT_RELEASES_PER_DEFINITION]
--limit.deployments-per-definition= Limit deployments per definition (default: 100) [$LIMIT_DEPLOYMENTS_PER_DEFINITION]
--limit.releasedefinitions-per-project= Limit builds per definition (default: 100) [$LIMIT_RELEASEDEFINITION_PER_PROJECT] Time (time.Duration) how long the exporter should look back for builds (default: 48h)
--limit.release-history-duration= Time (time.Duration) how long the exporter should look back for releases (default: 48h)
--server.bind= Server address (default: :8080) [$SERVER_BIND] Server read timeout (default: 5s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ]
--server.timeout.write= Server write timeout (default: 10s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
This exporter supports Azure DevOps PAT tokens and ServicePrincipal authentication with Client Secret and (AKS) Workload Identity.
Metric | Scraper | Description |
azure_devops_stats |
live | General scraper stats |
azure_devops_agentpool_info |
live | Agent Pool informations |
azure_devops_agentpool_size |
live | Number of agents per agent pool |
azure_devops_agentpool_usage |
live | Usage of agent pool (used agents; percent 0-1) |
azure_devops_agentpool_queue_length |
live | Queue length per agent pool |
azure_devops_agentpool_agent_info |
live | Agent information per agent pool |
azure_devops_agentpool_agent_status |
live | Status informations (eg. created date) for each agent in a agent pool |
azure_devops_agentpool_agent_job |
live | Currently running jobs on each agent |
azure_devops_project_info |
live/projects | Project informations |
azure_devops_build_latest_info |
live | Latest build information |
azure_devops_build_latest_status |
live | Latest build status informations |
azure_devops_pullrequest_info |
pullrequest | Active PullRequests |
azure_devops_pullrequest_status |
pullrequest | Status informations (eg. created date) for active PullRequests |
azure_devops_pullrequest_label |
pullrequest | Labels set on active PullRequests |
azure_devops_build_info |
build | Build informations |
azure_devops_build_status |
build | Build status infos (queued, started, finished time) |
azure_devops_build_stage |
build | Build stage infos (duration, errors, warnings, started, finished time) |
azure_devops_build_phase |
build | Build phase infos (duration, errors, warnings, started, finished time) |
azure_devops_build_job |
build | Build job infos (duration, errors, warnings, started, finished time) |
azure_devops_build_task |
build | Build task infos (duration, errors, warnings, started, finished time) |
azure_devops_build_definition_info |
build | Build definition info |
azure_devops_release_info |
release | Release informations |
azure_devops_release_artifact |
release | Release artifcact informations |
azure_devops_release_environment |
release | Release environment list |
azure_devops_release_environment_status |
release | Release environment status informations |
azure_devops_release_approval |
release | Release environment approval list |
azure_devops_release_definition_info |
release | Release definition info |
azure_devops_release_definition_environment |
release | Release definition environment list |
azure_devops_repository_info |
repository | Repository informations |
azure_devops_repository_stats |
repository | Repository stats |
azure_devops_repository_commits |
repository | Repository commit counter |
azure_devops_repository_pushes |
repository | Repository push counter |
azure_devops_query_result |
live | Latest results of given queries |
azure_devops_deployment_info |
deployment | Release deployment informations |
azure_devops_deployment_status |
deployment | Release deployment status informations |
azure_devops_stats_agentpool_builds |
stats | Number of buildsper agentpool, project and result (counter) |
azure_devops_stats_agentpool_builds_wait |
stats | Build wait time per agentpool, project and result (summary) |
azure_devops_stats_agentpool_builds_duration |
stats | Build duration per agentpool, project and result (summary) |
azure_devops_stats_project_builds |
stats | Number of builds per project, definition and result (counter) |
azure_devops_stats_project_builds_wait |
stats | Build wait time per project, definition and result (summary) |
azure_devops_stats_project_builds_success |
stats | Success rating of build per project and definition (summary) |
azure_devops_stats_project_builds_duration |
stats | Build duration per project, definition and result (summary) |
azure_devops_stats_project_release_duration |
stats | Release environment duration per project, definition, environment and result (summary) |
azure_devops_stats_project_release_success |
stats | Success rating of release environment per project, definition and environment (summary) |
azure_devops_resourceusage_build |
resourceusage | Usage of limited and paid Azure DevOps resources (build) |
azure_devops_resourceusage_license |
resourceusage | Usage of limited and paid Azure DevOps resources (license) |
azure_devops_api_request_* |
REST api request histogram (count, latency, statuscCodes) |
Last 3 failed releases per definition for one project
topk by(projectID,releaseDefinitionName,path) (3,
azure_devops_release_environment{projectID="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", status!="succeeded", status!="inProgress"}
* on (projectID,releaseID,environmentID) group_left() (azure_devops_release_environment_status{type="created"})
* on (projectID,releaseID) group_left(releaseName, releaseDefinitionID) (azure_devops_release_info)
* on (projectID,releaseDefinitionID) group_left(path, releaseDefinitionName) (azure_devops_release_definition_info)
Agent pool usage (without PoolMaintenance)
count by(agentPoolID) (
* on(agentPoolAgentID) group_left(agentPoolID) (azure_devops_agentpool_agent_info)
/ on (agentPoolID) group_left() (azure_devops_agentpool_size)
* on (agentPoolID) group_left(agentPoolName) (azure_devops_agentpool_info)
Current running jobs
* on (agentPoolAgentID) group_left(agentPoolID,agentPoolAgentName) azure_devops_agentpool_agent_info
* on (agentPoolID) group_left(agentPoolName) (azure_devops_agentpool_info)
, "projectID", "$1", "scopeID", "^(.+)$"
* on (projectID) group_left(projectName) (azure_devops_project_info)
Agent pool size
* on (agentPoolID) group_left() (azure_devops_agentpool_size)
Agent pool size (enabled and online)
* on (agentPoolID) group_left() (
count by(agentPoolID) (azure_devops_agentpool_agent_info{status="online",enabled="true"})