Several errors were encountered during the "build_conda_package.bat" command within the Anaconda prompt when following the "Compile it yourself" instructions ( The text from the prompt, which contains the error report, is attached below. After encountering these errors, attempts to install TRex via "conda create -n tracking -c local trex" were unsuccessful. How might I address these errors?
Note, I first installed TRex using "The easy way" for Windows, which seemed successful and even allowed me to initially use the "conda activate tracking" and "deactivate tracking" commands. However, since I desire to utilize Basler cameras in the future, I then elected to repeat the installation process using the "Compile it yourself" instructions, which is when I discovered the error.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
(base) C:\Users(name)>conda install conda build
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
(base) C:\Users(name)>git clone --recursive
(base) C:\Users(name)>cd trex/conda
(base) C:\Users(name)\trex\conda>build_conda_package.bat
Terminal output file attached.
Expected behavior
I expected the "build_conda_package.bat" to perform an error-free load and permit the TRex installation; however, as shown at the end of the attached error report, TRex does not load and is listed as a "package not available for current channels."
- Operating/computer system: Windows 10, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER, NVIDIA CUDA 12.1
- Terminal used - Anaconda Prompt 2023, Python 3.9, Visual Studio 2019 (note, according to the attached terminal output, it seems to only be looking for Visual Studio 2016)