Lua implementation of the T1K protocol for Chaitin/SafeLine Web Application Firewall.
Production ready.
location / {
access_by_lua_block {
local t1k = require "resty.t1k"
t1k.do_access {
mode = "block", -- block or monitor or off, default off
host = "", -- required, SafeLine WAF detection service host
port = 8000, -- required, SafeLine WAF detection service port
connect_timeout = 1000, -- connect timeout, in milliseconds, integer, default 1s (1000ms)
send_timeout = 1000, -- send timeout, in milliseconds, integer, default 1s (1000ms)
read_timeout = 1000, -- read timeout, in milliseconds, integer, default 1s (1000ms)
req_body_size = 1024, -- request body size, in KB, integer, default 1MB (1024KB)
keepalive_size = 256, -- maximum concurrent idle connections to the SafeLine WAF detection service, integer, default 256
keepalive_timeout = 60000, -- idle connection timeout, in milliseconds, integer, default 60s (60000ms)
remote_addr = "http_x_forwarded_for: 1", -- remote address from ngx.var.VARIABLE, string, default from ngx.var.remote_addr. Do not specify this option unless you know what are doing.
header_filter_by_lua_block {
local t1k = require "resty.t1k"